Junkrat as The Monster's Bride


Well, that’s ruined my fanfiction…


Honestly it makes the most sense. roadhog doesn’t even have any interactions with women.


i mean the overwatch facebook posted “get someone who looks at you look junkenstein looks as his monster” during the first event so…

20 chracter rule more annoying than Doomfist


i mean the leaks kinda comfirm that sombra is most likely the bride, but like. the bride in the original film hated the monster so like i don’t think this comfirms somhog or whatever


Because the monster was his lifes work? (which he decided to make to seek revenge on the people who laughed at/looked down on him) You can look at something with adoration without being in love with it. …which would be extra weird since its a mass of rotting human parts.
And lets not forget in the story the monster basically decided it wouldn’t listen to anyone, murdered a whole village, and disappeared.

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so? junkrat and roadhog also have several matching skins and sprays and junkrat even has a “if found return to roadhog” bracelet on his beachrat skin. and like roadhog has a lot of interactions with him. infact the only other interactions roadhog has is 1 with mccree (where he threatens him) and one with reaper while he says he has a cool mask. also junkrat has the line “guess who’s on top now” so like thats alot


What rule now?

Go away silent, with your special post privileges
Us normies can’t do that

Anyway, it would be a laugh to see Junk in a wedding dress.


Actually it’s nothing.
Nothing in the game is considered canon unless specifically referencing something in canon (ex. junkrat’s inconspicuous line), skins, lines, sprays, NONE of it holds water in terms of canon lore.
It makes sense to give them a few matching skins…what…the pirate skin i guess? the bracelet is basically what a parent gives a child if they get lost.
And they have interactions because they’ve literally met no one else in game and Hog is incredibly anti social. The whole reason he was living in the outback was because he wanted to be left alone

“guess we know whose really on top now” literally means nothing, it’s a KILL line, in junker society, strength is everything. Hog has a reputation that exceeds him incredibly. No one messes with the Hog, even though the queen is angry/cross with him she still lets him enter junkertown (sans weapons)
Junkrat was a nobody before he found his treasure. Should he ever manage to kill Hog? He’d be “top dog/on top of the ladder” so to speak

Also let’s not forget Official Overwatch Twitter tweeted with the Junkers for National Best Friends day

Also Hog is constantly rude and demeaning to Junkrat in game and in comics.


Stop ruining my fanfictions damnit!!


in germany the line is translated to “guess we know who wears the pants in the relationship” and in russia the line was completely removed. so… not sure how you can put a not gay spin on that.


Look friend, write whatever you want, that’s what fanfiction is for. I write…badly, my own things (i stick to drawing) but honestly I hope Blizz decides to keep any further relationships either with NPCs or unmentioned.
This fandom is … how you say… vicious? When it comes to “popular” ships


Just like I did?
I mean, there’s tons of ways to interpret lines.
I just explain it how I see it, like you say how you see it.
It can be seen through multiple lenses (…windows? I don’t know how this phrase goes)


Yeah no kidding, remember the Lucio D.Va thing?

But in all seriousness, these joke events could do something interesting, or out of the ordinary, wholly for entertainment purposes. GTA loved putting Trevor in a dress, various easter eggs in gaming where the main character has something whacky happen to them or the game itself…

Besides, imagine the amount of people who’d buy a skin of Junk in a dress.

but like why would russia remove it if it wasn’t meant to be interpreted as gay? if it was just some “comparing strength” ladder thing they would have no need to remove it.

Actually, you can. It’s not a trust level 3 thing, just a trick I figured out.

I’m gonna guess that there’s a way to avoid it with invisible characters

or the space bar

Based off the icons, it’s probably Sombra (some people think Zarya? I dunno I can’t see it based off the profile)
I don’t think Blizz would stoop to the “ha ha man in a dress how funny” trope
Mostly because it might cause backlash in other countries or wherever censorship takes it to new extremes

also yeah, no kidding about the ship war stuff, I’ve NEVER dealt with a fandom before where I was told to kill myself over a ship, I legitimately stopped tagging Junkrat in my art and turned off anonymous messages because it was getting to be too much