Junker queen gold gun disappeared

I do agree i just sent a ticket in to try and get it resolved, my junkerqueen golden gun disapeared also. Is this due to the pve event or something? Im going to be following this post if i get any updates ill let you know. Ow 1 never had any issues like this.


Bumping post again until blizz acknowledges the issue


Hello my problem on Overwatch: a few days ago I noticed that 2 golden weapons were removed from me, acquired in game through the aforementioned points on the second day of the launch of ow2, these weapons belong to La Junker Queen and Sojourn heroes of 2 the credits for the golden weapons have not been returned to me, and in the heroes gallery it only gives the possibility to buy them back. Thank you in advance and I hope the problem is solvable.

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I’m actually missing my Lucio gold gun it never made it through the merger

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Bumping for visibility.

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I lost my Queen gold weapon as well. So I feel for everyone else with this issue. With gold weapons being one of the only free cosmetics left in the game, everyone’s feelings about this bug are 100% justified.

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My junker queen gold gun disappeared two weeks ago and now on Oct 27 i am missing Sojourn’s gold gun too. On my Xbox Series x account. I hope that they fix the issue soon.

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Bump for visibility.

Keep posting until they fix it.

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Same here for my kiriko golden gun
Blizzard pls fix it I don’t want to buy it again…

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Just to make sure, is everyone losing gold waypons for Kiriko / Junker Queen / Sojourn / ashe ? Cause im pretty sure it’s because of the halloween skins that were forced with the event


Bumping until fixed.


My golden guns for sojourn and junker queen i noticed a bunch of others have since torb and bastion have came back to to the hero’s gallery but i don’t see why it had a affect with junker queen


Bumpinh for visibility


My Junker Queen gold gun’s locked now for some reason


I lost mine today too, i bought mine around launch and had it ever since, then i lost ot today and its telling me to buy it again.

Mine too, 3 days ago, I hope they’re fixing this bug as soon as possible, but I’m not so confident about it

Keep bumping so blizzard sees this

I just lost my golden weapon for junker queen too. Really hope they fix this already.

Still gone and not fixed…