Join us for the Summit1g vs. iiTzTimmy Showdown

Translation: please help us virtually drive up engagement for this game Q.Q


Never even heard of either before and apparently they aren’t even OW streamers?

Why are you giving big money away to people who don’t even support this community? Funny how our own (it’s not like we never had any big names) content creators were never worthy of such investment.


I don’t see the point for watching this at all.


Blizzard pays them money and thinks we need to be thankful.


The Halloween Twitch drops? Are they talking about the ones from weeks ago? Werewolf Winston Spray and the Werewolf Winston Skin?

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No thanks. I’ll pass on that.

Correct. They are GIGANTIC, mainly-FPS streamers, neither of which I’ve seen play Overwatch in the past five years.

They’ll get paid hundreds-of-thousands of dollars to play overwatch for a couple days and will never touch the game again.

What twitch rewards are enabled for this event? The mug and the kitty cat?

i heard summit1g malded/raged with the tournament. bad matchmaking so it was realistic :rofl:

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Was the biggest blowout just like ranked matchmaking, LUL. Former pros vs summit and his bros. Wasn’t really a fair match up at all. Summit looked so unhappy the whole time. Can’t even pay content creators enough to play your game. You have a lot of things to fix Blizzard. The game is in a bad state.

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Ewww, Summit? What were you thinking Overwatch team?

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What do you mean it wasnt balanced? They used same MMR system they have in game for competitive.

Joke aside, what the f were they thinking?


I can’t say I had heard of this Summit1G, I know the more common ones like Tim the tat man, XQC, etc, those are familiar names. Does that person even regularly play Overwatch?

It sounds like the dude got trounced though? They should have put that 25k into making the game better.

Paying streamers to play your game is only going to make more people aware of how broken it is.

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Well I don’t think that person will be getting invited back to such an event any time soon, he wasn’t pretending to enjoy it and there weren’t enough compliments towards Blizzard. 'Cause ya know, you got to be like emong if you want to keep getting the streamer deals.

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i dont think i will watch a bunch of streamers who never played overwatch or overwatch 2 playing overwatch 2

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Fair complaints from Summit I guess. It really feels awfull playing against people who are far better than you :confused: he’s pretty big streamer if you watch the vod back I dont think alot of his viewership will play ow2 :v

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