Jewish in Overwatch?šŸ‡®šŸ‡±

Well, Petraā€™s in Jordan, which is as involved in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict as a nation can get.
It was originally part of the area known as ā€œPalestineā€ during the British occupation, and a large part of its population (as well as their queen) are Palestinians.
Itā€™s only considered a separate nation because the Brits decided to carve up most of the area and give it to one of their vassals.

Didnā€™t stop them from having a Map set thereā€¦

Israel already has a flag in game, and Petra has the Jordan flag.

As diverse as the game is Iā€™m sure itā€™s just a matter of time. Gotta be patient.

Same goes for ā€œCan we see a [insert diversity here].ā€

Just a few more years until we get our first Wereshark hero :blush:

I mean why is this even mass-flaggedā€¦ goes to show how the flag option is being misused, they shared their opinion with out breaking any forum rules.


For all we know one of these heroes could be jewish, but why would it ever come up?

Yeah other than voice lines how would you tell if a character is Jewish? they canā€™t make a stereotypical character, that would be inappropriate. So how would you tell?

Just give Reaper an ā€œOy Veyā€ line.

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wont it create a palestine/isreal polemic in the game?

Most of the characters in the game come from countries that are or were invloved in one conflict or another - Doesnā€™t create much of an issue thereā€¦

the conflict is ongoing thou

So are some of the current conflicts with other characters in the game.
Russia for example is still occupying Crimea.
The U.S and some of its allies are still killing people in various places around the world.
China still occupying Tibet.

Itā€™s quite common really.
Iā€™m told its what the kids are into these days.

I like to think that Roadhog is Jewish.

thereā€™s already a conflict that Flag.

Petra is in between Saudi and Jordan, right in the borders Colonialism split the region and the borders thanks for brain washing the world about my reigon and people bye :slight_smile:

Not according to any map Iā€™ve seen.
It looks far closer to Jordanā€™s border with Israel then with Saudi Arabia.

Are you sure weā€™re talking about the same Petra ?
Is Overwatch Petra supposed to be different from the real world city of Petra ?

Google Madā€™ain saleh

Ok, my bad then.
Turns out it really IS a different place then the city of Petra.

Or as Archer would say : ā€œWay to eschew traditional naming conventions Dev teamā€ :sweat_smile:

When youā€™re loading into the Petra map, a flag of Jordan is shown next to the mapā€™s name.

Madaā€™in Saleh has nothing to do with the in-game or real world Petra. Both cities were a part of the same faction, Nabatean kingdom, which covered the area in the region that includes modern day Jordan and Saudi Arabia, but theyā€™re two separate and distinct locations in two different countries.

Petra was the kingdomā€™s capital and it is located in Jordan and thatā€™s what the map is based on.

yea look at the map its located in between lol