Jeff is at overwatch league

Not gonna lie, this is one of the best matches i’ve seen in a while.
We’ve seen GOATS, dive, double sniper, 4 dps and some bunker.

Anything about changes to competitive will be good. They dodged that area for too long and it probably can’t get worse.

Please tease Mauga
Please tease Mauga
Please tease Mauga
Please tease Mauga
Please tease Mauga
Please tease Mauga



Mama Hong confirmed!

It’s either Mauga or RoboReaper.

I’m standing by those two

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His name is Beeper.


And those two are literally the only heroes I care about.


9 charss

I’m still praying for D.Mon.

Recluse a spider tank is still my hope.

That face you make when you wake up and your son; Hanzo Shimada, hasn’t washed the dishes yet:

stop making heroes that smoke …

El Beeper h ttps://

You can link youtube videos regardless of trust level, by the way!

Inb4, the only announcement is that anti-cheat thing for comp.

oh, thanks for the tip and thank you for linking it properly

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I want to stay awake for this but I need my sleep.

Ultimately I don’t think there would be a major announcement today because they probably would have advertised the announcement to get people to tune in. Still, it is fun to hope.


True, that’s a good point.

Party pooper :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: