Jeff Interview Feb 27, 2019 - "Mercy is fine"

Except Genji mains.

Or do as I did and stop playing the game… I was a Mercy one-trick but I have not played the game in 13 months now because Mercy stopped being fun to me, and I honestly do not find any other hero compelling to play.


Some will, but I suspect many won’t because they don’t like the tone, background and combat aspects of the character. Mercy is the healer archetype in their minds… it’s been said many times… but now they will have fewer direct game reasons not to switch…

Why can’t they just give her back her 60hps? It’s so simple and will make her good but not dominate


Casually looks at the PTR Resurrection change in Mercy main.

Yea, no changes for a while. Mhm. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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It’s a bug that will get patched.

Don’t get your hopes up.


honestly i’m just glad that he acknowledged our anger with the character!

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There are many players playing Mercy successfully in the high tiers, and she has even been selected in meaningful pro matches

Sadly it must to be a bug, it sounds too good to be true. It’s not mentioned in the patch notes and they did changes to knockback in general which may have inadvertently affected Mercy too.

Casually looks at the Superjump bug still existing, in Mercy main

Oh, my expectations are low. I can assure you. :slight_smile:

Could be, we’ll have to see what happens once it goes live I suppose. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I play Mercy because I love playing Mercy, that doesn’t stop me from seeing her issues.


I honestly think Blizzard did a disservice to themselves by creating a hero that appealed to non-fps gamers. Mercy reminded me about playing a healer in a MMORPG and did not feel like a First Person Shooter hero. I have never felt any other hero in Overwatch to be even remotely appealing for me to play, so when Mercy stopped being fun to play for me I stopped playing the game. I suspect others are in the same situation as I. I think it was a mistake by Blizzard to attract such a diverse playerbase…


This appears to be a bug

Since it is easy (far, far, far easier) to use in comparison to superjump, I see it as very likely that it will not make it to live servers

But we’ll see in a couple of weeks or so

I do not know about you but I love Genji mains, no humoring here.

( Censored just in case, but one can imagine what the full word may be – )


The point stands though that Mercy is boring to play now. Instead of healing, which is a support hero’s basic reason for existing, she’s used to pocket a DPS player. Her heal output is lower than the other main healers she’s supposed to be a part of, but her utility is lower than the off healers she recently joined due to her nerfed hps. On top of that, the current meta does not favor DPS heroes so Mercy is basically a dead hero.

This is on top of the many, many good suggestions in the rework thread that went unread or ignored. Not all of them were good and some were downright ridiculous, but not all. Now Baptiste has a kit that seems to utilize some of those suggestions. More support variety, great. It still sucks for anyone that likes to play Mercy.


Eh, true, she can be viable for people that know her really well, and know when to pick their battles. I gave a simple tip to a new person playing Mercy. “never press shift when looking at the enemy.” Lol.

Did you not see Texas Outlaws get booed for switching off a Pharmercy Hammond something composition to Goats? It is funny really how they did switch, when we have seen other teams use that comp and win against Goats.

Considering they also thought the rework they shipped out was “fine” and claimed she was “fine” yet again right before shipping out nerfs and all the other crap, I find it difficult to put much stock on their views on Mercy’s balance.


I mean, I agree. It’s sad how balance constantly has to be made drama by some people though. It’s not like Mercy is supposed to be meta immune, if you use her in ranks where goats isn’t played you’ll do fine with her.

The saddest part about that interview to me was that we basically can’t have more frequent balance changes that could be meta changing because of mains and one-tricks.

I do find it weird that Sty basically did a 180 on the Mercy thing, I feel like he made a couple of videos not long ago about how Mercy needed something.

She is a low skill ceiling hero, so her not being optimal in higher tiers where skill ceiling matters a lot more is perfectly fine. She has her niche in those tiers with certain sniper based compositions and multi-dps dive with solo tank hammond, and that’s fine. Ana isn’t viable with that composition, but she’s meta for most others because her skill ceiling being so high enables that.

Although the above is stated as a fact I do not see it as a fact; but rather as an opinion, and I disagree with that opinion

There are many players, myself included, who do not find Mercy to be boring to play