Jeff Interview Feb 27, 2019 - "Mercy is fine"

I am in agreement with every one of these points!

I think the OP didn’t mention about no balance is fun though.

The statement that the above statement replies to was not a reply to the OP


I understand your point - yes, fun is absolutely important in a video game

…and yet…

In a game like this, ie players versus players – if she isn’t balanced, is that fun?

Including for all the other players who arent playing her?

I personally dont find Valkyrie to be monotonous - I find it to be one of the most powerful and engaging abilities in the game, and also arguably the very most versatile ult in the game

However, given your stance, have you looked at BigMainLittleChains?

Gotta love how Stylosa said he thought Mercy could use some love and now decided she doesn’t when talking to Jeff. Nice.


She has “Burst” damage and “burst” healing. Send a healing orb along with her m1 and she heals significantly faster. Send a damage orb while right clicking towards a flanker and they’ll more than likely die. Not exactly the standard utility, but its far more thought provoking than holding down M1 or M2 with Mercy.

That and her ultimate can deal both healing and damage to her team.

With Moiras most recent healing buff in this patch, shes miles above Mercy in terms of everything. We’ll have to see how it affects her once it comes out of PTR.

Maybe this was simply a gesture to be friendly/polite to Jeff, since Jeff was doing him the favor of sitting for an interview for a video that earns the metuber money

the healing buff you are referring to is very, very tiny, so tiny it wont even come into play much of the time; so I dont think this really tips the scales for Moira (and please note, Moira is one of my favorite characters)

Just looked at Mercy’s win rate. In Diamond, where I am, she’s 14th out of 29 heroes.

Since OW launched Mercy has been, I think, the most consistently out-of-balance hero (#1 for so long, and very low for a little while). Right now I don’t think she could be in a better spot.

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saying she’s super viable is a big stretch, at least for high ranks. maybe in low ranks she is but…

I see high level Mercy mains moving up the ranks in the highest tiers

I see Mercy being used in meaningful pro games

I think these are each Individually adequate evidence that Mercy is viable at the highest tiers of the game

high rank mercy mains? never heard of them

There are many of them

Mr Google can point you to several

As someone who used to play Mercy a LOT back in the day; let me tell you what her current state is compared to what it used to be for ME.

Old Mercy - used to have me flying around from team mate to team mate to help keep them alive. Damage boost was only necessary during initial engagement because teams would clean things up quickly. Ult was important and had to be used as efficiently as possible; so I needed to utilize it correctly. Sometimes the answer was to tempo rez instead of big rez. I was able to keep my team alive well and the job was split evenly between me and my secondary healer but if I had to solo heal, I could.

Current Mercy - I’m literally stuck babysitting the teams Widow, Hanzo, Junkrat, or Ashe. My rez is a detriment to my overall kit because stopping to rez means my other healer has to put out a LOT of extra healing for a few seconds because we’re down a man and somewhat a healer because I have to REZ. Might as well not even bother hitting my main fire as my DPS is just going to scream at me to boost them then probably complain I didn’t heal them when they finally died. UItimately, if I pick Mercy, the other healer has to be a Lucio or a Moira, someone who can heal more than one person at a time. Ult is whatever. If I accidentally pop it, it really doesn’t even matter most of the time because I earn it so quickly and it only really matters if we’re already winning. Even with 60 hp/s, my team gets so divided, I end up only healing one person at a time anyway because of Mei’s, payloads, and my team just being all over the place in general.

Picking Mercy anymore just feels like I’m letting my team down.


Thank god for google, i’d never had known there were high ranking mercy mains 0.0
Are there mercy one-tricks too??

The good news is, there are over 2 dozen other heroes to pick from, so you dont have to play a character you no longer enjoy playing (like Torb is now for me)

Yes there are, and almost certainly at every tier of play (possible exception of pro level)

And that’s fine, but I shouldn’t have had to because they literally buried her 6 feet under for me. Granted I wanted to try other heroes initially, that should be MY choice not a choice made by nerfs.