Jeff Baptiste interview

dont care that its stylosa (i know hes polarizing)…its jeff talking about baptiste so worth a listen to

Sorry… beat ya to it.

i swear i looked before posting…im blind…kk…ill delete this one

lol…can i delete?

You can’t delete posts, you can edit them only.

Dw, I didn’t notice the other thread either. :hearts:

Would have preferred Seagull… Stylosa’s becoming an AL pimp…

So, given the problem of GOATs we just added in another AOE healer… what on Earth are they thinking… there better be something going on or we are headed for a game ending period…

ok so I play tank on ps4 im 3821 right now, I play mainly Rien Winston and Hammond I just idk don’t want to get bamboozled by all theses damage buffs and boop changes I solo que and its super hard to do anything as rien mainly because he has no like survivabilityor anything like orisa forify or winstons jump or hammonds shield thing.
idk what they can do to change riens kit but I have ideas maybe you can keep in your head to maybe tell jeff later on or something.

changes to rien just 1 u pick:

  1. Rienhardt get a 4000 shield. /Buff Sym shield to 8000 for balance not 5000

  2. Rienhardt get 600 hp with 350 armor sence armor got nerfed. /maybe do that to Winston could be better like 300 hp and 200 armor instead of the 100 he has now

  3. rien gets a reworked. / to not cause G.O.A.T.s Comps again

  4. Rienhardt when he has shield up you can not boop him

  5. Rienhardt when blocking improve walking speed by a little maybe 10 from what it is now.
    6.shadder should be a ability but like smaller example: your rien and you got 2 people shooting you, your 200 hp and force to back up the 2 enemies push up to your shield haha but your now a defenseless pup you have a mini abitbitly that’s like a doomfist slam to shatter them and get back to your team. Remove the CHARGE ABITITY its stupid. /not reliable I mean.

6 and a half. New Ult could be a amp for him self like a Winston think of like DBZ ssj/super Saiyan for a few seconds. this could be a Multiplier for Hp, Speed, Shield, “damage resistance”, or whatever. remember if he doesn’t have a charge abititly he does still have a rocket pack on his back so that could be something to think about

  1. rienhardt swings faster but damage is nerf to 50 not 75

8.Rienhardt Barrier not shield on hp targets negate ALL Damage Amps, Boops, stuns. THIS IS THE BEST ONE I CAMe UP WITH!!!

I cant think of anymore changes. Get the word out the the community while there updating