Its over. Finally

Sojourns railgun should have never been a basic utility. That hero needs more than a nerf. Widow might need a minor HP reduction. Ashe is only an issue when she has a pocket. Hanzo is fine.

Do people really think mercy is OP? Lol


GG EZ, Kiriko next blizzard

Might? The bias is insane with this one lmao.

Overpowered is a strong word.

I’d say more bloated with strong things, than overpowered.

She’s only a problem in high ranks. For plats and lower she’s a throw pick unless they are smurfing.

Balance should be around high ranks. Imagine balancing around low ranks :skull:.

The majority of the playerbase is below masters. Balancing the game around the pros is one of the reasons it stopped being casual friendly.


Adding CC and more shields was for high ranks? Lol your tripping

Too many heroes that would make low ranks unplayable if they were balanced around working in high ranks.

Junk, Reaper, Sym, Torb, Bastion, Moira, etc.

Doesn’t matter where majority of the playerbase plays. Balancing should only be catered towards high ranks as doing the complete opposite would be the dumbest move possible? Right now in Masters & above Widow is literally hell to play against. She needs nerfs. My high elo games shouldn’t have to be abysmal simply due to the fact that those who don’t have skill whatsoever is whats keeping an otherwise busted hero from receiving nerfs.

And balancing around low ranks (which they’ve tried to do now) is the exact reason the game is in it’s worse state ever lmfao.

True casuals don’t give af about balance because in low ranks you can literally play whatever you want. Balance doesn’t matter in low ranks.

Just pull out a better Widow then. Shouldn’t be that hard, right?

although i don’t like that she’s getting nerfs so soon after nerfing sojourn, the enthusiasm that y’all have for her getting nerfed is kinda infectious lmaooo

Or nerf her :slight_smile:
even essier solution

she needs 175 hp and/or harsher fall off nerfs.

Wait until you see what they actually did…it ain’t a nerf, bub. Idk why they claimed it so.

I don’t think this is going to turn out how you think it is.

Thinking about it more I’m on the fence with this as well…

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And you think ir’s over because?? I mean just because of these changes alone, the devs are probably gonna get witch hunted by angry mercy main mobs who will chase them at the end of time if they don’t fix this.

If i were a dev i would never want to touch mercy, because some mercy mains scare me!

I do love mercy myself and main her in support, but i’m willing to have an open mind and test these changes out.

Don’t worry, he’s going to be raging himself when he realises how much of a buff she got.

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