It's official - uninstalled ALL ABK games until MM is sorted

I don’t know, I specified low rank in the comment. And threw in new player as someone that also falls for this.

as in these are two categories. Not one and the same.

Ya ya your not the first person to say this, but it’s not stopping me or anyone else from climbing. just people that won’t improve themselves, and blame it all on others.

Your spiel isn’t new, nor will you be the last person to to write a post like this.

Have a great day.

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That’s simply not true. I’m a Gold Support and Silver DPS and I frequently get put in Diamond + games… The issue is at ALL ranks

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Do you have a replay at hand with proof of a diamond player.

Because people have said this, but few backed it up with anything other then take my word.

And like those games that were shown had someone going afk or cheating. Or on some specific hard counter comp, where no one switched till like the last five minutes.

28TDAE like check swankypants here.

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No I kinda agree in that it’s built for premade groups to win, if that’s what the commenter meant.

Like earlier I needed just 3 wins in QP to finish my weekly. Including a few 15m breaks, It took me over 2 hours due to leavers, throwers, afkers, console players, and yes very clearly premade groups on other side. I am not kidding - not much more than 1 win PER HOUR in QP.

And I am no bronze muppet either. It rarely is this bad but sometimes it truly is.

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maybe you’re generally naive?

SBMM, EOMM, DDA, MMR → all terms you should read up on before enterring this convo so late in your gaming career. Also there are several patents:

This is a group of employees that get paid top dollar from the cush of their own homes…to mask your freedom of skill expression away, in favour of supporting their corporate overlords.

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Have you actually read any of those?

They don’t say anything like the “summary” that person put together.

This person read the title and assumed what it would be about and didn’t even bother to do research.

This is a matchmaking patent for tweaking what variable are weighted in the matchmaker - nothing to do with adjusting things like hitreg or aim assist AT ALL.

How can you be so persistent in this belief without having done even the slightest bit of research on this?

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How can you be so persistent in defending the company and their systems?

We’ve all seen what they patented. What they work on each day.
It’s dubious at best. Nefarious in the worst.
They don’t have your interests in mind, stop acting like that do.

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So you haven’t read the patents then?

Because if you have an ounce of intelligence and you have, you cannot possibly think they say what he has written.


I am happy to copy and paste all the summaries so people can make up their own mind.

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I have read them all. Those patents exist.
The “quote” you seek is simply the patent numbers.

They spent actual resources developing them, making sure they are airtight, not trolling the IP landscape. They found it worthwhile to develop, protect, and enforce that IP for some kind of competitive advantage.

It’s greatly disturbing they even exist. But it makes sense given the context of how the entirety of OW2 is a pay2win gatcha shop shell of a game.

This company isn’t out to help you, it’s out to help themselves.

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Jesus you are an idiot.

No one believes companies aren’t out to help themselves. They literally exist to make money.

That is no excuse to pretend you’ve read patents because you don’t know what’s in them because you’ve spent years and thousands of posts believing and spreading fake summaries.

Get a grip on yourself, this is one of the most idiotic things I’ve ever seen.

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Whatever you say. I expect you’ll be editing this to prove my point.

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The executives are laughing all the way to the bank–to cash their giant bonus checks for doing this to us. :money_mouth_face:

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I even went ahead and uninstalled every xbox game, unsubbed from the game pass and sold my console since its gonna be owned by them soon

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No, you are still an idiot and nothing will change that.

In short, all the patent summaries are false.

There are two points that are of concern to win & loss streaks to the community and rather than summarize, I will direct quote:

Win streaks

In another example, if a player has been performing poorly (e.g., getting killed at a rate higher than the player’s historical rate), the scoring engine may dynamically adjust one or more coefficients to match the player in a game that will improve the player’s performance. For example, the player may be matched with easier opponents, matched with teammates that historically resulted in better match outcomes, and/or placed in a game that is more tailored to the player’s preferences (e.g., players that play in games more closely aligned with their preferences tend to perform better).


For example, in one implementation, the system may include a microtransaction engine that arranges matches to influence game-related purchases. For instance, the microtransaction engine may match a more expert/marquee player with a junior player to encourage the junior player to make game-related purchases of items possessed/used by the marquee player. A junior player may wish to emulate the marquee player by obtaining weapons or other items used by the marquee player.

The microtransaction engine may analyze various items used by marquee players and, if the items are being promoted for sale, match the marquee player with another player (e.g., a junior player) that does not use or own the items. Similarly, the microtransaction engine may identify items to be promoted, identify marquee players that use those items, and match the marquee players with other players who do not use those items. In this manner, the microtransaction engine may leverage the matchmaking abilities described herein to influence purchase decisions for game-related purchases.

In one implementation, the microtransaction engine may target particular players to make game-related purchases based on their interests. For example, the microtransaction engine may identify a junior player to match with a marquee player based on a player profile of the junior player. In a particular example, the junior player may wish to become an expert sniper in a game (e.g., as determined from the player profile). The microtransaction engine may match the junior player with a player that is a highly skilled sniper in the game. In this manner, the junior player may be encouraged to make game-related purchases such as a rifle or other item used by the marquee player.

In one implementation, when a player makes a game-related purchase, the microtransaction engine may encourage future purchases by matching the player (e.g., using matchmaking described herein) in a gameplay session that will utilize the game-related purchase. Doing so may enhance a level of enjoyment by the player for the game-related purchase, which may encourage future purchases. For example, if the player purchased a particular weapon, the microtransaction engine may match the player in a gameplay session in which the particular weapon is highly effective, giving the player an impression that the particular weapon was a good purchase. This may encourage the player to make future purchases to achieve similar gameplay results.

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Take your ad homs off the forums.

The patents are there, fully enforced, active use, in lieu of greenlit development and legal backing. They went all-in on this tech, because that’s how they want their systems to work.

This company rigs their games.
Stop defending their patented rigging and engagement optimizations.
It’s the sleeziest tech that only a scum company would try and pursue.

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So not only do you talk extensively about things you don’t read, but you use phrases you don’t understand.

“In lieu” also doesn’t mean what you think it means.

And how do you know which games they are “fully enforced” in and in “active use” for?

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I bet you they designed the matchmaker to be broken for all original overwatch accounts so that you all ditch your old OW1 skins, etc. becoming worthless and forcing you to buy into the system as a new OW2 user.