It's official - uninstalled ALL ABK games until MM is sorted

first calm down, this is still a game. People are allowed to play it.

Even then these new player are going to be skewed towards the lower end of play, like bronze to gold.

Like if you are at those ranks, then your not really taking the game seriously either.

At the start of OW1 I got placed in bronze and worked up to plat on support.

in OW2, I also got placed in bronze and worked up to gold all ranks with in one season.

if your stuck in those ranks that is on you, not the game. Or the other people playing it.

Like were getting new players on both teams not just yours. Even then their still playing mechanically at the level as the other players.

QP is also a game, and should be used to practice different heroes, not competitive.

You clearly have no comprehension of how the ranks and the system works in this game then.

Old MMR still affect old accounts. I didn’t play for a year and a half before OW2 released and there’s this thing called decay. I do take it seriously, but you’re facing impossible odds 90% of the time due to all the Overwatch virgins who does nothing but throw or use comp for practice, and since the rank system works like it does eg you have to WIN in order to rank up, on top of the horrible matchmaker, it’s just turning it into a frustrating experience rather than a fun and enjoyable one.

There’s this thing called decay, and it’s real. At least for people like me, who took a long break from OW1 before coming back towards the end of it. That decay still affect those of us with old accounts to this day, and it is severely hurting our progress due to who we’re matched with eg Overwatch virgins. So yes, it’s on the people you get placed with and the game, or more specifically their decay system that carried over your previous MMR and SR.

I can go 15-30k healing in most matches and it still isn’t enough to carry a 4-20KD tank or dmg with less than 4k dmg done or the other support having only done 4-5k healing and zero damage… I’ve done damage/tank (I’m gold on tank) and gone 30-40 kills with 0-5 deaths with 20-25k dmg done vs the other dmg on the team having only done 4-5k damage… You can’t carry an entire team, especially solo as a support, just like you can’t heal stupid, because guess what? It’s a TEAM BASED GAME. You require people with ACTUAL BRAINS on your team to win matches, and you need to WIN matches to rank up.

It’s seriously not rocket science…

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Nobody cares, and why are you still in the forums then?

No I do, I’m some one with arthritis and bone loss. And had such at the young age of 14.

I’m climb slowly but I have a mechanic hard cap, and need breaks. But my positioning and game sense are good enough to keep me in the around high gold/ mid plat.

Their is such a thing as playing to seriously, especially at the lower end’s were you mechanics are not up to par. And your attempting to do top 500 plays without the team/mechanical tools to back it up.

Practice your 1v1 duels, learn ideal positions and for sake of everyone in your game. Don’t focus on what your team is doing only what you can do to play better.

Worst thing you can do, is pay to much attention to someone’s play habits and in turn you are not paying attention to what you need to be doing at any given period of time.

For starters you can climb regardless, people get into daimond and top 500 on some of the worst heroes in game.

you can only blame yourself m8 as your the only consistent player in every game your in.

Improve your game, don’t haggle other players. Take breaks if need be.

so on and so forth. You will climb eventually as long as you have the skill to do so.

You just simply don’t at the moment.

So this is a common pitfall for lower rank/new players.

How much healing/damage your doing doesn’t matter just that your winning teamfights.

As all that changes per hero/sitaution so on and so forth.

Like top rank players would actually be doing less healing over all because their team more likely to get focused down/ or win the team fight in the matter of a couple of seconds.

With little to no junk damage being throw around.

I’m starting to think these kinds of posts are what ABK WANTS to see. It’s the rotating out of their old loyal playerbase, which they’re doing everything in their power to NOT retain, while actually trying their hardest to appeal to the younger mobile gaming spending TikTok memeing kids they so want to have rotate in.

The old playerbase is but a silver mine—a slow and steady source of wealth. ABK discovered the ease and insane cryptocurrency-like gains to be made from the mobile gaming generation and wants everything to do with that instead of laboring hard, digging through dirt to get the bits of wealth out of their trusty/crusty old mine. Solving the matchmaker and balancing the game is hard and results in little financial gain; making skins and selling them for absurd prices is easy, so much so that by focusing their business on that, ABK be going to the moon!

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or perhaps we should consider that matchmaker isnt broken and we are. because the way ow1 plays and the way ow2 plays…they are entirely 2 different games.

I don’t know if you’re aware of this, but generally it’s children that play video games. So, um, yeah, they are going to appeal to kids. Adults tend to have other things to do. Apparently not you, but, yeah, blizzard knows their market, and targets it.

If you don’t like the “mobile gaming spending tiktok memeing kids” that’s fine, but don’t blame blizzard, lol. Blame them.

I played 4 games today and 2 of them had 2 teams with around 25 elims. Not true that all games are like this.

I just lose unless I hard carry with Lucio. I’m bored with him and can’t get Kiriko to do the same. She’s never been the same for me after the healing nerf. I always get bad DPS and sometimes tank. Game sucks for me. I’ve been playing less. I have to get more eliminations than my DPS to even win. The support role needs to be changed into being better at DPS.

I didn’t hate Candy Crush, or the soda saga. I only uninstalled it due to it being a huge drain on my phone battery.

I don’t know if you are aware of this, but yesterday’s adults were the ones who didn’t understand gaming and yelled at their kids to get off the computer, step away from the TV, do their chores and preferably spend more time outside; they are today’s senior citizens. They never did have time for video games, never did and will spend a dime on them. The kids of that era are today’s adults, and many who grew up gaming still spend their free time gaming. They prefer what they grew up playing: whole “boxed copy” complete games and game expansions. These are Blizzard’s loyal fanbase, the OG WarCraft, StarCraft, and WoW gamers. They supported this company for decades and want to continue experiencing the amazing aforementioned Blizzard games and new titles made in this way.

Today’s kids, the mobile generation, are growing up saturated in exposure to easily disposable cheap or free to play games made with laughable levels of monetized content thrown on top minimal effort gameplay. They’re proven to be an easily exploited market, being all too happy playing boatloads of the sorts of low effort minigame compilations that reward their daily grinds in pithy compensation, while paying absurd amounts of money for both the good content (mostly cosmetic) and to skip over playing the worst parts of these games, which ironically comprises the majority of their gaming loop.

Today’s Blizzard doesn’t care about serving their old loyal fanbase, who still would happily monetarily support them—and play—in the free time they do have. Instead Blizzard wants more, and to get more, they’re happy with losing their old customers while hoping to gain the younger ones instead.

Say what you will of capitalism and morality, but compared to every other business, which all tend to try to both attract new customers while continuing to serve their loyal customers, it comes across as jarring to see a business working so hard to sabotage their existing business model to cut ties with one customer base—a proven, reliable source of income—and hope to earn a piece of the pie from a completely different customer base.

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Aaron Keller isn’t the problem here.

It’s Scott Mercer.

His team is the one that controls the matchmaker. Jeff Kaplan and the higher-ups had to fight him to update it during the role queue update and it was in shambles when it first got launched. In fact, anytime the MM algorithm is updated, the worst comp match experience follows it until it’s tuned up with a hot patch. It’s evident that he and his team are not equipped to fix this problem. They need to bring in new management with experience or a 3rd party to code a new MM or improve the current one.


Come back to visit after mm improves, hopefully won’t have to wait too long.

I have also heard these leaks/rumors.

They tried to approach Scott about it numerous times and he was always “too busy” and “can’t be arsed” to communicate. He was adamant that it was his baby, and didn’t want to bring others in, probably for fear of becoming replaceable. I mean like what else does he even do there, really?

When basically ordered to start training someone in (his potential replacement), he threw a manchild rage and made quite the scene in the hallway. Scott Mercer hardly shows up for work now (stress leave or something?), refuses to cooprerate and let people in to improve his MM (ideally, replace). He’s just some oldguard untouchable left on the payroll that can’t budge won’t budge and it’s better not to try and get him to budge.

So I can see it being rough for team4…stuck with stuff like that until retirement.


wait so the bias toward def/atk is actually a thing? i remember people suspecting this back in OW1 but i never really heard much about it beyond that

how does that even work? like how is it possible for a team to be favoured a win? that’s crazy (not implying you’re lying btw, i’m genuinely intrigued lol)

Uh, lol. Those are TODAYS (and yesterdays) adults, of, successful children.

Please only speak for yourself, lol.

Yep, that’s why they pay money. Because the games suck.

So you hate OW2. I get it.

Guess what, I think this game is great. I love that we finally have a model which is attracting a steady flow of income so that the developers keep working on it (played OW1 in the last 3 years?), and I think the game is moving in a great direction.

But we all have our own opinions, right?


I know it sounds wild… change your number… start a new account…

more to come :eyes:

I had several people on my BNet friends list that would play on almost a nightly bases. They all stopped at the end of season 2. Why? Because the game just isn’t fun. They got to that “Oh just login and knock out my dailies” routine but found out that’s all there is. I told them that it would be like that when OW2 launched with the dailies but they didn’t believe me.

This is all Blizzard games. They have to create daily things to complete for a reward to keep people logging in because they just can’t make their games fun.

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Seriously, this is the worst crash and ruination of a beloved multiplayer game I’ve ever experienced in my life

RIFT doesn’t even compare

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Your biggest mistake is assuming i’m a new player.

Where did you even come up with such a conclusion?

Clearly you don’t understand how the matchmaking and rank system works.

The rest of your post is just nonsense.

You do nothing but make assumptions and i’ll let you know why that’s not always a good idea the next time you reply.

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