It's official - uninstalled ALL ABK games until MM is sorted

Amen. Im blown away at how they thought it would be okay to release the game in this state. They had how many years?


they had a huge successful launch, only to throw it in the garbage

what a waste of potential like my life


They supposedly are making a lot of updates, but not a single one had any effect. I’ve never had so many one sided matches (either my team stomps or we get stomped) in 6 years of OW1 vs 4 months of OW2.

If the designers have no idea what they are doing with the mm algorithm, they should be making room for competent people.


No, the real issue is that the requirement to even get into comp is too f’ing low. 50 wins? That’s NOTHING. It should be 250-350 wins in QP before people are allowed to join comp so that they at least learn how to bloody play the game instead of joining comp after 50 random wins only to ruin the game for those who play comp seriously.

Add that to the old MMR from OW1 still stuck for a lot of us, and it’s impossible to fight pat bronze/silver.

I am miserable as a player with over 1000 hours having started console then went to PC GOOD LUCK climbing uts a GONG SHOW

And they wont even let me start a new account and try again cuz they forced me to attach my number to this account

i truely think they ruined this game.


Please send screenshot

You know there is a big trouble when people quit every day because of the MM


you dont need to look at the forums, i barely come to the forums i see it on social media how the game is considered trash and people say they uninstalled.


You guys are so right! We need to take this fight out of just the forums and to the public on socials.

So who are the people that are winning and why is it premade against you specifically?

This happens on both sides. Roll or get rolled. We dont need to tell you what that is

Well sir, I wasn’t responding to that, I was responding to this specific sentence.

There is no “we”, unless you are all the same person.

I don’t post on here but yeah. I just started playing again since s1 on Thursday. Comp feels alright but I’m probably enjoying being under ranked. QP is cancer. I continue to get Diamond>Masters players in all my lobbies and as people have said its ALWAYS a one sided stomp one way or the other. I have had all of 0 close games and its not fun. The S1 matchmaking was infinitely better then it is now. Mismatches happened but good games also happened frequently. And the most depressing part? Can’t find anything about blizzard acknowledging a problem. And all the masters players just say Well I waited ten minutes for this. If 20% of the player base is diamond or higher, there should be absolutely no issue for a mid gold to low plat player getting even matches. Depressing.




Realized i forgot to uninstall on my playstation

Went onto my partners account (prob like 4 total games played on it) to see if its better as a new account b4 i unistall it here too

Waited (not even kidding) over 11 mins in queue on Quick Play all roles

Literally for our Reinhardt to hard throw it

18 min queue for dps on console

Im in Toronto btw


Bye bye overwatch


Mobile game dev.

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This should have been done a long time ago but I am glad you’ve came around.

Update: both Overwatch and COD uninstall off my ps5

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191 posts.

So THAT was a lie.

What are you even talking about?