It's official - uninstalled ALL ABK games until MM is sorted

I hate this. Look at my activity. My first post on this forum ever, I came on here with nothing but love and support for OW2.

You’ve ruined this game.






Game is unplayable for anyone but the top 500 type players… Tried to play again today for about 20 minutes… just left every match and finally logged off. Every match is a completely premade win for the enemy team.

The games are 100% stomps… that literally means the game picks the teams so that one team wins before the game EVEN STARTS. The liars that run the game have this game set up as one big cheat. Keep leaving games and if it’s unplayable, log off, don’t give them numbers, and don’t let the stomp games finish anymore.


As i wrote in another thread:

You either get stomped or stomp in every single game. I either get 45 elims or 2 elims. I’m not even joking here.

This MM is indeed the worst i’ve ever seen.

The games are decided the second you queue up.


What does the “K” in ABK stand for? I assume the “AB” is Activision-Blizzard, but what’s the K? Kollective?

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King, you know, the company that makes those mobile games we all hate.


Join the club. I stopped playing OW2 after one too many faceroll stomps by much higher skilled players that should be expected by a non-professional level player. Add in another game crashing to desktop on a near-constant basis that confirmed to me this developer is no longer worth supporting with my time and money and I have felt much better since then.

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Luckly i just had 4 matches where my team completely absolutely desstroyed the enemy team.
Now im just waiting for the system to switch it up and give me the bad matches. I mean thats how they made the matchmaker work , no matter what BS they trynna tell otherwise.


Even if you did uninstall, we hope you can stick around and demand AK’s resignation. No one wants that kind of direction ruining games for gamers and setting a new lowpoint for the industry.

They need to be fired and that won’t happen until more people protest.


A lot of it is cheaters on one side or the other.


Its official - no one CARES

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yeah, none of the devs care

they still take their paychecks home every week

meanwhile the game is pure garbo


Im protesting with my uninstall and refusing to purchase any in game items, battle pass, etc, until they quit this nonesense.

I wont stop complaining here, dont worry :slight_smile:

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dude i have no words with how bad this game is

it’s literally an unplayable joke

clown game,



I mean the main issue is lower skilled players being pulled into GM games at the moment. And the worse case scenario at the moment is Daimond to Gm, and that’s only accord for 5% of the player base. At least that far.

What a lot of matches now are having issue with, is that counter picks are a thing again. Like a very effective thing again for all roles.

and one or two heroes can shut down a team, higher ranks have less of an issue with this as they can get over these disadvantages with high mechanics/positioning skill.

Like you can flip games by just counter picking the enemy. Like tanks have taken this as common knowledge at the moment, be it the supports/dps also have these in spades and people are not noticing or paying close enough attention to these engagements.


yes but no one counterpicks lower level games

so you’re basically just watching a slow motion train wreck, so people just alt f4 after they realize no one is going to try something different

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That’s a community issue that we need to get over, like we did when we first learned how to play with a team comp. Instead as just solo players.

Like back in the day, we didn’t know how to get around a Cassidy standing behind a barrier.

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What i want to see is a minimum on 1 update per week on match maker, or i refuse to re-install

they did already 100 updates on the matchmaker. the problem is they prefer time over balanced match ups.

this company is desparate, they want people to watch twitch 2h FOR ONE SPRAY when fortnite does it 30min per item… filler items but also somewhat good items like a backpack or a screenpic. this company has not enough people playing their game, even in good old times ow1 you had 5min queues in masters, matchquality was better now its just throw people together silver with masters… doesnt matter.