Its not fun to play against

I hate hearing this argument, i hear it all the time.
“Its not fun to play against”

I do not care about any other player. I do not care if my opponent’s are having fun. I do not care about their SR, my teammate’s SR, only mine. I don’t play PvP games concerning about my opponent’s feelings, or anything about them. I just want to win. If playing Tracer or Reaper and I’m constantly tearing up their backline tilts them…good. I dont care about your feelings.
I’m a competitor, your emotions are the last thing on my mind.


But you hate Bastion. :thinking:


But fun is the #1 thing any game needs

If its not fun, then no one will want to play…or buy it


As a wise man once said…

And that wise man now bites the karma cake hard.

It has 666 likes

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How so?
He already took your money.

Throws Torb’s old armor pack at you

He didn’t take my money. I gave it to him.

Money isn’t everything. Popularity is also a double edged sword.

So this means Sombra buffs incoming, right?

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I think your attitude is poor, but the spirit is right. Sort of. Enemy heroes are supposed to impede you in various ways. If they don’t, they aren’t being effective opponents. I used to get bothered by stuff like getting booped off the side of the map or getting stunned or whatever. No more.

Widow can jump right off a ledge though.

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It’s a double ended sword - love it when you can do it, hate it when others do it to you.

I take it as - if someone can make me not like a certain mechanic or how they play it means they are doing a good job. Is there something I can learn from that and use it in my own playstyle?

when people say this, what they mean is that the engagement/1v1 doesn’t allow outplay potential. For example, there is not much you can do vs an Orisa besides brute forcing her shield and Fortify and hoping you have tanks who can finish her off.

Last time I played Orisa, my shield melted in literally one second. That feels like adequate counterplay to me.

To whoever made that 667 likes I hate you

I’m talking about relatively high SR games where people cycle cooldowns effectively and Orisa is properly healed mostly.

Buddy I like your style

Lmao no one asked you as an individual player to care about any of these. (Even though your post shows that you don’t care about other people’s opinions and therefore you should expect your opinion to also get ignored as well).

The devs though, well they’re the ones who have to care.

Because if a video game is not fun to play and has no story for example to supplement this handicap, then it’s a bad video game and if a certain hero/ability/mechanic/etc. remains in the game and leads to it not being fun for the majority of players, but only for a 1%/2%/5% of the player base that happen to main said hero, etc., then needless to say that the game won’t have such a bright future ahead of it…

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