It's NOT a $30 emote

Something tells me you don’t know the definition of free.

It’s exploiting people with no interest in OWL to spend money on OWL.

Take, for example, me. I spent $55 and bought the pass for another $30, so I could have every. single. Zenyatta item. I don’t even like OWL.


There’s a discount, amazon prime users can buy it for 20$.

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I suppose the Winston and bastion blizzcon skins or the widow noire skins are also issues then…because people had to pay to get those…oh but they aren’t as cool…I see…

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Didn’t Winston have a similar thing with a skin awhile back for a blizzard ticket event?
Not one person complained. Probably because nobody wanted his skin.

A bit of hyperbole… there are always people who complain. There were probably plenty during the time but we see what we want to see, when it suits us.

And yes, I am pretty sure that a legendary emote that actually looks really good will garner far more attention and controversy than a skin for a less-popular hero.

I don’t like this but that’s how the world works and this tactic certainly will be effective. My only real question is that I’m not sure what this exactly means - will there be more OWL matches in the rest of 2018? Would buying the pass only be useful for the next month or two?

If they are using the emote to help lure people in and hopefully make a few more fans of OWL by giving them an overall better experience then that makes more sense to me than trying to lure people in to buying a pass for something that is already finished. (Like buying a Beatles concert ticket 15 minutes before it ends just so you can get the limited edition Zombie Beatles Revival t-shirt sold exclusively there.)

I don’t follow OWL so any enlightenment would be great! :joy:

Side note for the future: next time, please make an emote that kind of relates - like a hero checking the OWL scores on their phone and tossing it on the ground in rage when their team loses, or something!

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The forums have hated OWL from the beginning. They just want excuses to hate it more than they already do. Don’t expect anything reasonable from them when it is involved. When they demonize pro players for doing nothing wrong, there is no reason to take them seriously.

The analogy I’ve heard and enjoyed the most is this;

Imagine you want milk. You can’t get milk usually, but a store announces it: “We have milk!” they say, so you get ready to go and get some milk. You get to the store, get the milk out of the cooler, but then someone stops you. “Hey, sorry but the milk is usually only $2, but to get it you have to spend $30 on various things throughout the store.” but you already have your groceries for the week, you just want the milk. So, for you, that milk is now $30 milk with a bunch of stuff you won’t eat, use, or even want in the first place.

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I wonder if I can buy the emote with World of Warcraft gold

Why the forum hate OWL?

In what possible way is that a fair trade?

Making it puchasable by gold is practically a free giveaway, whereas the Access Pass holders have already spent 30 bucks on it.

There’s no equivalence to your suggestion at all, and it would be the dumbest idea Blizzard would have ever done if they took you seriously.

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Then, just, like, don’t get the milk.

You’ll survive.

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You mean the idea most games have been using for more than 10 years now? Using money for instant access unlocks vs grinding? Which has been implemented in countless games in the past and likely games in the future?

The Business model Warframe uses - which is one of the most successful F2P games in the industry? You mean that dumb idea?

You aren’t really aware of how things work are you?

:rofl::joy: :rofl: :rofl:

30 dollars in no way translates to only a thousand gold.

That’s the stupid part.

Are you only paying $30 for the emote or does OWL Access pass offer other things.

I got to ask do you really think things through?

I mean you literally don’t. But let me just link it to enhance the embarrassment factor, to show what $30 actually gives.

And if I don’t care about those things, then I’m pretty much paying 30 bucks just to use the one emote.

Either way, my point still stands. Either I have to buy this big expensive bundle for one emote… Or I can just spend a day playing the game and get it for free, because, again, 1k is hardly anything.

Maybe, just maybe, no one minds those because that is a 1 time a year convention. I mean you only buy it for an overwatch skin and not to watch the overwatch presentation live a blizzcon or any other blizzard game you play.

Yep makes total sense… This is different because it is not really tied to OWL in any way. (other than being part of the access pass) Now had Lucio took out a pair of thunder sticks with the OWL logo on them and clapped them together people probably would have been fine. Simply because if you watch any OWL event this action is fairly common place.

That is a personal issue unfortunately. Access pass offer other things regardless if you use them or not.

So your point stands like a chair with 3 broken legs.

I have no plans to get the milk. I didn’t even know about it until I got up this morning and everyone was freaking out about it.

Not sure if throwing homophobic slurs around for no reason and telling people to kill themselves on stream constitutes “nothing wrong”.