"It's just QP" should be punishable

You need to level up.

That means turning on that mic, or buying one if you dont have one, and make the leap out of QP and into competitive.

u cant report players for picking a hero u dont like. read the report guidelines

Off topic.
This is about reporting people in QP. Not about competitive.

It’s not about heros someone doesn’t like. Read the discussion.

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If s/he wants better team co-ordination (which is what the post is about) its not gonna often in QP and is more likely to happen in competitive. So leveling up is the pathway afaic.

But if reporting is the way to fixing compositions by all means give it go lol.

Even if he does, he’ll get matched against smurf after smurf, or throwers…that’s the state of competitive right now. D:

The state of QP is bad, but comp fares little better when it comes to ‘teamwork’. Seen multiple posts from multiple ranks (except T500) about crappy teamwork, even in GM. The problem isn’t the game: it’s the people.

Oh well then go ahead a report them all because thats working right?

I never said that. I only implied that people keep saying the system is broken, and I’m starting to feel like maybe it isn’t the system: maybe it’s the community. Select few of us, sure, but a few bad apples and all that jazz.

The system works, but only at the highest level, OWL and maybe top 100 and grand masters?

So my advice is want to play this game how it is intended to be played, got to level up. Sorry that means there are only a very limited number of spots available, but thats the way it is right now.

Based on the manner in which you do your stated reporting, and addressing that as a “we need rule ‘Y’”, I can correctly conclude that since Rule Y does not exist, you are, in fact, abusing rule X by reporting for non-existent Rule Y. If you already abuse rule X, why do you want another rule Y?

Teamwork can be accomplished in many different ways. Again, your idea here is your perception of teamwork isn’t being fulfilled. I don’t understand why you think your perception, and your’s alone is correct.

Not by the way in which you have presented ‘selfishly’. I have been crystal clear in my responses.

Since selfish is purely a subjective term, this is an impossible feat.

So QP IS a viable place to just practice a hero? I thought people (possibly not you, but numerous others that take the same position as you) in this thread stated that people should practice heroes in Arcade modes.

Maybe it’s not. You didn’t counter my example, other than to say “maybe not”…???

I’ll return the favor… maybe not.

Never isn’t defined until the end of the game. Ergo, it’s impossible to know that it is futile until the end of the game. Hind sight is 20/20, that doesn’t make the present action wrong for not being able to tell the future.

Yes, it is a game of paper-rock-scissors. And, 99 times out of 100, my counter is already countered by a player on my team. So, this is moot except for a small percentage of the time. This is especially true since any given hero has numerous counters… it isn’t a one to one ratio of heroes to counters.

Well darn it all to heck… and here I was thinking that Blizzard was the developer behind CoD & CS. Whoops… I thought this whole time I was posting in the CS & CoD forums tied to my Battle. net account.

“Being too smug”? You’re assuming they aren’t switching based on pride? Maybe they just don’t see the game going the same way you do. Maybe someone is already playing their #2 and someone else is playing their #3 and someone else is playing their #4 heroes they like to play. It happens.

I hope you understand why I lumped those two together. Winning and losing is irrelevant, but you don’t report b/c you won and as such, didn’t perceive it as a handicap… this is LITERALLY the definition of just reporting based on winning and losing.

Poor timing (game sense) - not game sabotage. PS, you do realize that “Poor teamwork” isn’t even a reportable option anymore, which is why I switched off this topic to “game sabotage” when the change went on the PTR. Please stay current and relevant.
No, poor game sense (your poor timing) was not intentionally feeding the enemy ults consiciously. Non-reportable offense.

Statement one and two are both moot since “handicap” is a subjective term and solely based on perception. I gave you an example of that with Battle Mercy, you just chose to ignore it. Again, “handicap” is not definitive, it is subjective, because it is solely based on what is perceived. What you think makes something harder or more difficult (handicap), another might not… that’s the very meaning behind something being “subjective” in nature. Your thoughts are your opinions on handicaps, not the end-all, be-all. This is why it is non-reportable…

See statement directly above regarding “handicap” being a subjective term.

Yes, that is correct. I assume positive intent in people (I bet I spend less time yelling at my teammates, too, because of this… and genuinely just enjoy the game more).

ad hominem.adverb & adjective
directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining

I give you the definition because (in best Inigo Montoya voice) “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”

I always address your position first. Any subsequent shot I take at you (or you perceive taken at you), isn’t an ad hominem, it’s just a jab at you. Now, if I only took at a jab at you instead of your position, then it would be an ad hominem. Here’s an example of an ad hominem:

You: I believe in Position A because
Me: I disagree because you’re stupid.

That’s an ad hominem.

This is funny because it was in regards to humor. LMBO. I mean, really dude?

Yes, I notice what I’m posting in, and I also notice that I was (and still am) asking for you to clarify, or further elaborate, or provide an example of, something that you posted.

Feel free to flag any post of mine for moderator review if you think I have not abided by the rules as set forth by the moderator when asking you to provide an example of something that you said in this very thread. So, let’s do some logical deduction here. You make a post > I ask you to provide example of said post > you now think that I’m in breach of the thread. Ergo, your original post (since I’m only asking for clarity) would then be in breach of the thread. I mean, come on guy…

And there it is, the end of your post, in which you still fail to provide a single example of your statement about hero choice not allowing you to try to complete map objectives, while simultaneously trying to twist your inability to do so as me not understanding.

Please come back to the conversation when you can answer the ONE SIMPLE QUESTION I asked you to do. Anything else is just a waste of time proving a point to the world that you can provide ZERO examples.

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Reminder that picking a hero you don’t like is not a reportable offence on its own.

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Considering there were already 4 DPS picked ,if someone wanted to tank they would have done it by now.

Reinforcing this.

Reminder that you cannot report for any specific hero pick. Only refusal to cooperate, and -role- griefing is reportable.

You cannot: Report someone for going Ana instead of Mercy when a filling a healer role.

You can: Report someone for lack of communication / cooperation / griefing when a tank/healer is needed and they go a 5th/6th dps. (Only after asking them to switch. You can’t report for lack of communication if they’re not actively refusing to communicate)

Lack of communication (I.E not being in teamchat) is not a reportable offense. Cooperation is way to open ended for it to be a report option, Griefing I agree with, going 5th or 6th DPS is not griefing, as then every single person on that team is susceptible to a report should no one switch.

If you are trying to say you think it SHOULD be this way, then please clarify in your post.

Gonna need to read the thread to answer that one, friend. Which is daunting at this point, I admit. So to go fetch a quote for you:

It’s a class based team game, where different team mates fill different roles. To make a comparison, imagine if people played… american football, and when the team gets out there, they have all the linemen, and receivers, and need a quarterback. The last dude walks out, and says “nah, I’m going receiver too”.

You now have a 0% chance to do anything on offense. That is ruining the game for all of your team mates.

It’s 100% griefing, and people have mentioned receiving notifications that the griefers they report for this behavior get punished. Myself included.

You’re welcome to your opinion though. Have a nice day :slight_smile:

And you’re welcome to yours, but that does not mean you or even me are correct. Only thing we can do is hope for a response from Blizzard themselves to sort this out.

Also, just because you recieve a notification that action was taken doesn’t mean it was justified (whihc is why I hate that they added that in), you know false bannings occur right? It happened to Fuey500, one of the nicest streamers I’ve ever seen, who was banned simply because he plays Torbjorn in competitive. But hey the guys that reported him probably recieved notifications that their reports were followed upon so he must have deserved it right?

Also, let’s be honest, 90% of the tanks are just fat DPS at this point (at least half). Even if they pick say Reinhardt, there’s no gaurntee that they stay behind the shield or actually get value out of that tank. In fact what if they feed more because they are god awful at tank? Or fail to heal because they suck at healer? Then that’s just poor play, which isn’t reportable.

EDIT: I just realized that the quote you gave is literally saying that you have to play tank or healer if you load in last. Way to punish people with slow internet man, real fair system you got there.

Of course man, who disagrees with that? If you’re not a great healer, but the team needs a healer, so you don’t do well, then darn! You lose that game, but you probably got better at healing. Eventually, you won’t be as bad a healer.

That’s how this game works. There is a reason you can swap mid match, and it’s because you’re expected to be shuffling team comp around. This isn’t DOTA 2 where you pick 1 line up and are stuck with it.

Also, I dunno man…

What is a ‘false’ banning? Obviously if they saw your report, and decided you needed to be banned, then you did something the moderators / community managers / whoever, disagreed with.

YOU might not agree with it, -I- might not agree with it, but we’re not the ones that matter at the end. I don’t agree with every rule that’s in place, but griefing being punishable is one that I do agree with.

^Also been discussed ad nauseum in this thread. I can’t unwrap 557 posts for you. If you’re really invested, go back and read.

Bottom line though, is that it’s a tremendously feeble argument that holds no real weight.

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Don’t the other 10 players then have the opportunity to step up and be the QB since the one guy doesn’t want to? Also, the QB is a position defined by RULE. Can you please show me the rule in Overwatch dictating a role as required in order to play the game?

Aren’t all 11 ruining the game for each other by no one choosing to be the QB?

No it isn’t. You should brush up on what it means to be a griefer. Here, I’ll help:
A griefer is a player in a multiplayer video game who deliberately irritates and harasses other players within the game, using aspects of the game in unintended ways.

So, I can start out as healer and swap within the first few moments to another role and not be the subject of your harassment? Who is then obligated to fulfill the role that I just left void or face your harassment?

Bans in which the moderators/community managers/whoever overturned the ban.

Please see above definition of “griefer”, as you are not using it in context here.

It’s a temendously feeble argment that holds no real weight to base hero (role) selection on when you loaded in. As, with the QB example, the other 5 players have the opportunity to step up and fill that role.

This is exactly what this guy thinks.

That’s his view from a different thread similarly titled The “it’s just QP” trolls

It’s just nice to know that I can insta-lock whomever I want thanks to having the money to pump into a system and internet that is a top 5% PC and guarantee that I’m not subject to his harassment for my pick. I mean, really? That’s so equitable, isn’t it?

When you care so much about a non-competitive (by name) game mode that you openly harasses your fellow gamers, causing them undue burden for playing a game, then you are the problem. It’s toxicity 101, and literally no one likes it. Especially when you could just try and win the game, and if you get steam rolled, well golly gee darn it, you just lost a whole 5 minutes of your life and you can move on and likely never see the person again…

I report EVERY person who harasses a player over their pick. I, too, get notifications that actions have been taken. I get great satisfaction knowing that toxic people receive chat bans and are muted from spreading their toxicity among my fellow gamers.

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You don’t seem to understand what is and is not reportable, here is a quote from Scott Mercer if you don’t want to believe me.

If you WANT it to BE reportable, then say so. But as of right now, it is 100% NOT a reportable option. If you do report people that go 4-5 DPS, then I recommend you stop, as that is abuse of the report system.

who actually goes out of their time to throw a qp game… i might mess around a qp match with my friends and spawncamp but its not a competitive gamemode, its a game mode to do whatever you want because winning or losing doesnt matter at all. if someone tells you in team chat dps arent getting enough picks i say back I want to get away from that competitive style for a little bit dont try to bring it over here

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Thanks a ton for posting that. Perfect quote for this thread.

What do we learn from it?

Things that are not reportable as, not “griefing”, but “gameplay sabotage”:

Important to note, on those last two points, we are addressing HERO choice (ie. Mercy vs Ana), NOT role choice (ie. DPS vs Support).

Things that you CAN report a player for “Game Sabotage” for:

I broke those last two up into separate points, because they’re different, and their distinction is important.

Harassing a player, in my mind, is something like:

  • Mei walling your team inside spawn
  • spamming voice lines while intentionally trying to block Widow’s vision
  • repeatedly insults someone in chat (team or match)

Disrupting the game is something completely different though:

  • Playing Death Match style in Objective based game modes (ie completely ignoring the objective the entire match)
  • Suiciding over and over (putting your team in a 5v6 doesn’t harass any singular player, but basically makes the match unwinnable for your team)
  • Role griefing: ie The apparently contested “picking a 6th dps is fine” abuse. (This is essentially the same as the above point: You’re not inhibiting any one player on your team, but you’re putting your team into a very very difficult position, and make a win extremely unlikely).

That quote does a good job of articulating what people have been taking issue with this whole thread: “You can’t report someone for just having a bad game, or for picking a HERO you don’t like, but you can report someone for ignoring the game mode, ignoring the team, and tanking the experience for the 11 other players in the match”

Lets wrap this up with a question every “6th dps is fine” poster seems to ignore:

If you want to play Hanzo no matter what, forget the team, forget the objective, forget everything else going on, you want sick scatter kills: Why not play arcade Death Match modes that were made with that gameplay specifically in mind, rather than objective based game modes where 5 other people are counting on you to fill a role to form a cohesive team?

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