It's chaos and I love it! đŸ”„

It is.

They’re far from coddled, they work hard.

They’re better than almost everyone in ranked ladder.

No one implied them being a deity.

You’re deluded if you don’t think pro gaming is a “real job”

You’ll never see fortune or wealth in your future if you are that narrow minded.


Ikr? And they’re actually crying here acting like they somehow “accidentally” ended up in gold and below.

The system wasn’t changed in any way other than removing everyone’s MMR handicap. Other than that, it’s the same “functional” system we’ve been using for several seasons. What you got are YOUR skills represented in its purest form, and the truth hurts doesn’t it my “expert” OW players whom are reading this?


-breathes in-



That’s not true at all. In a giant dev post just a few days ago they stated an mmr reset was a bad idea

Role Queue Update

read this please!

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T500 Widowmaker instantly deleting everyone outside spawn :fire::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

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Imagine thinking OWL pros are on the same level of a place in the workforce as a Doctor, Teacher, Person in EMS or someone in the military.

It’s a job. No question. They do something, and get money for that ‘something’. It’s a job in every definition. Is it on the same level as things others do for work? Heh.

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And as for you, Dream?

You’re inferring these players shouldn’t have to go through what the rest of the playerbase does. That they’re ‘above’ us all. They’re not. So take your ideal of putting them on a pedestal and deconstruct it. They’re people. Same as us.

Get it together. “That’s just wrong.”. Uch. Makes my stomach turn. Stop worshiping false idols.

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I would never compare someone in esports to a doctor. I would compare them to someone like a lawyer, consturction worker, teacher etc
 Because they spend 12+ hours a day working on strategies with their team mates, synergies, putting literally everything into being the very best because they have to.


Compare it how you like. It’s an open forum.


I will. And quite frankly, the only people who try to say this is any less of a job are just people wanting to feel better about themselves


They are above us are they not? They climb through our ranks with ease on new accs destroying everything in their way. How can you think they are not “above” us all?.


Yeah, because an overwatch league player is much better than every single one of us on these forums. You understand that right? They’re all better players than almost all of us will EVER be. They have no reason to be at a low rank because they stomp those people.


Must be really fun to stay on the spawn for entire game cause 1-2 GMs from previous seasons decided to comp together.
Beware of what you wish my dudes. If you really think that you deserve higher rank and gms just “soft locked” at their rank you will be really disappointed when you get into a game with vs a few of them.


There you go. You make all the generalizations you like, because it makes you feel stronger about your point.

There’s a little bit of a difference between being above someone in rank, and considering them above you in life in general, as Dream seems to be crestfallen about.

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Thats how confident i feel about it, theres no reason for you to try and step on these peoples careers

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Who said a thing about Forum ‘skill’? What are you on about?

Your initial comment came across as though they shouldn’t have to go through what all players do. Why not? They’re Overwatch players too. Same as the person at 500sr.

Nah. You toss them on that pedestal. Ghead. Enjoy.

You go ahead, as I’ve said, and hold them near and dear to your heart. Consider them however your lil’ heart desires. Elevate them to whatever level you like.

To think I’m ‘stepping on their careers’? Bleh. Go away. Stop making them Martyrs.

To think they’re somehow above what every single OW Player deals with in terms of a ‘Comp mode burp’? A hiccup in how it works? Why wouldn’t they?

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All I’m saying is that OWL pros aren’t just getting to play a video game, its an actual job.

If you wanna waste your breath on things I didn’t say, thats on you

The way I understood his orignal post was that the system was flawed if it thinks these players that are better than 99.9% of the playerbase at ow was put in the rank where the top 75% players play.

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