It's been confirmed. Do not enter Competitive play

I repeat do not enter competitive play alone or as an off meta hero especially Symmetra. You will be reported multiple times no matter how many times you swap heroes. It’s toxic there to the point your appeals are tossed aside. Game masters are not caring anymore and they will not support it. If you want to do rank then do it as a group

That is your safest way to prevent future troubles and why they promoted lfg feature. Symmetra and other off meta heroes mains. Stay away from solo competitive play it’s not safe anymore. If a game master cannot muster words on why you was suspended. Then you have no reason to support their game.

They won’t fix the policy on false reports. You can’t play a hero they created without having the fear of being reported due to game sabotaging in toxic players minds. If they don’t like you at all regardless of performance. You will be reported by them.

This goes to you to silenced account players. Stick to other modes or go in as a group. This is truly sickening that a game actually promotes this obscene ruling thinking it’s going to clean toxicity when it only promotes it.

Overall one tricking is a no go on off meta heroes even when swapping.


One tricking means you arent swapping. No one minds an off meta main if they are actually willing to swap to a team friendly pick.

Yes which is true, but to those who abuses the report system still treats a one trick as a one trick. That’s their mindset. Swapping in front of their eyes won’t matter.

Play it but dont one trick, i wouldnt ever report a hero from spawn but we had Sym yesterday and she didnt switch whole game, she was just feeding Pharah and ended like 2-10’ score, she was essentially throwing and she received gameplay sabotage from me in the end.

Just use your common sense -.- I love to play Doomfist for example but if i wouldnt switch after not getting kill in 5 deaths i would accept report.

I hope this goes to show that the hero Symmetra still needs help, but other than that it seems the player was doing poorly than throwing. If anything even if the player swapped. I don’t think you guys win under such conditions.