It's 2020 and we still don't have an option to permanently disable Match Chat

Topic as shown. Why Blizzard?


Or Toggle Backfill, Disable voice lines and another crack at Pink Mercy! oh wait I have Pink Mercy, forget that one.


Toggle backfill would just result in games never filling, we need a solution to the problem, aka actually adding leaver penalties. Disable voicelines would be nice, tired of hearing useless spam and having to press P go to their name to silence them every other game.


Well my point is that a disable match chat permanently feature should have no reasonable objections. So that should be in the game and should be easy to code.

Toggle back-fill option has reasonable objections.

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Cant you just hide match chat only tho?

There should be a panic button hot key that toggles all VC, communications and hides chat. That way with my awesomly fast reflexes I can silence all the haters before they finish their sente–

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You can toggle your text chat by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C.

Backfill is not likely to be an optional feature. Jeff Kaplan has stated this recently:

If a player is spamming voice lines excessively, you can go into the social menu and select that player, right click, and select “Squeltch Chat” to mute all communication from that player. Also, note that players who spam voice lines technically violate the Blizzard In-Game Code of Conduct and can be reported (this is confirmed by the Overwatch Development Team).

There are no plans to return this or any other Legacy skin at this time.

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What I mean is to disable any chat from enemies permanently. I know that restarting Overwatch will turn match chat back on. I want to still be able to see what my team is saying, while not having to ever hear what my enemies say.

What’s worse. We can’t even turn off orange chat till we join a game. 4 years and the shortcut player list controls still don’t work out of match.

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I leave all back fills now. 9/10 backfills are because the team is terrible and the only good player left the match in disgust. Although sometimes if I am in a masochistic mood, I might try to carry them, but why bother, when I can just leave and get a fresh match almost immediately.

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