It may officially over, too late for blizzard to recover now

Props for spilling straight facts. It’s probably part of the reason it’s dying. The community just seems to blow everything off, when people have given legitmate feedback for the game and why they’re leaving. And now in it’s current state, we need to listen to as much feedback as we can if we’re gonna keep it alive for at MOST one more year.


Every event day for Overwatch I notice 15-20 friends in game. Presumably hyped for the event.

The last event I saw 2 people in menus for 5 minutes annd then they closed it and that was it.

Lol they’re not even bothering to log in for events anymore.

I just don’t get why they’re self sabotaging.

Community: “we love this game and we want more of it :D”

Blizz: “naw”


Comments like this make me miss the downvote button.


I do not chose games lightly.

I have a pattern by now, find a game I like and stick with it for around 2yrs, 3 if I get some breaks in here or there.

Played Resistance 2 coop mode for about 2 years, starhawk for about 2 years, MAG for about 2 years, Killzone 2 for about 2 years, Evolve for about 2 years, OW for about 2 years, stopped to play fortnite for a year,

, I just didnt have a good replacement yet.

I really hope Apex Legends is the one true OW killer I have dreamt of, something needs to free me from this evil beast…


I mean… Overwatch’s community is anything but charming. Doesn’t matter how great the characters are when the people playing are berating each other in team chat, throwing games, and false reporting their teammates.


After earnings today, the stock agrees. Their Market cap has now fallen over 50% since September, meaning the company is worth less than 1/2 of what it was 5 months ago.


I mean you’re absolutely right. Apex came in at a perfect time. Most OW streamers who were really popular were DPS players. Most people who are unhappy with the game are DPS players, most people who jumped on apex as soon as they got the chance are the dps players who love FPS games not MOBAS. So Idgi why are people who are so pro moba heroes etc being surprised now that almost everyone is ditching this hybrid game for a proper shooty shooty fps game. Blizzard needs to realize that their core fanbase, core playerbase are and have always been people who like FPS elements of this game more than the moba one. And if they wanna get some of the playerbase back, they need to make a choice and aim toward making new heroes fun for FPS players. No more low skill, low mechanical skill and low aim requirement heroes. It’s time to get serious. Also nerf ults.


unfortunately I think OP is right. I wouldn’t say that they “ran out of time”, but it is true that the audience that’s left in overwatch is just the toxic players who still think they’ll make it to masters if they yell enough, smurfs who need to play in lower elos to destroy and have fun and throwers who just enjoy messing with the people on their team. And then there’s the 4 kids who still love the game and play it to get better.

The problem is, no matter what that super secret solution Blizzard has, the audience is gone, and they won’t be likely to come back, because the game is tainted by all these toxic ways of playing it.


Blizzard even tried to save face and patch the game back to skill based but that ship sailed long ago. Players left in large exodus and the “Pro” scene is a joke, where a “Pro” players is only good because they farm more ultimates than the other guy.

This is what the OW community wanted, is to push out the FPS and MOBA competitive players out. They cried about wanting censorship, punish winners by labeling them “toxic”, character “representation” and character “skill equality”. So Blizz cater to those guys, and look what happened to this game. It’s 100% trash and zero fun allowed. They got their exclusive hugbox of a dying game.

At least now we have Apex to jump too, a Hero based shooter that rewards skill. Sure won’t miss hold M1 and press Q to win and character like Brig and Mercy being rewarded for existing.

But it’s only Hype though right lol

It’s true really. Apex is doing it right. One other major difference is the customization. And ow doesn’t have that much of it, you can’t even switch guns between skins.

And you’re absolutely right, at the end of the day this community may blame the devs but they’re as equally guilty. Everyone with a brain could see that the reason why this game was being played and enjoyed was its FPS elements and High skill heroes. But players whined, players wanted their mercies to be gods, their anas to be trash, their genjis and tracers useless and their brigittes unstoppable, they want tanks, they want healers, but they don’t want them to be hard to play, they don’t want to aim but they wanna have the same impact as the heroes that are harder to play.

Then when they get that and people who loved this game because it was demanding, fun, fast, and aim intensive, start leaving it… what do they do? they blame the devs. This community sucks, that’s overwatch’s biggest problem.


Not sure how it can get boring any more than Overwatch, which is basically not much different from a Battle Royale, except far less dynamic due to the limited players on a given map… and much, much smaller maps.

I’m thinking about trying out Apex Legends, myself. I haven’t really been feeling OW lately. It’s quite stale, these days. It’s not so much boredom or burnout… It just feels very vanilla, and severely lacking in dynamics.

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Totally agree.


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you should try it honestly. I never liked the BR genre, nor did i bother playing it but i tried Apex yesterday and it’s so fun, you actually have fun.


I mean a game like Overwatch has been buried by a few new coming rivals. Red Dead redemption, Apex Legends, Fortnite, and even Paladins are doing better jobs of developing their games multiplayer experiences. Even single player games are looking more tantalizing.

What upsets me most are the ‘super secret’ projects they boast with so little transparency that it seems like they some what expect the players to eat up that the game will be different with them.

Unless they drop like 10 new heroes, new games modes, and a few extra maps Overwatch will just fade away.


So far I like that when i die in Apex it never feels “cheep” like it does oh so often in OW.

U know when you being shot at and from where, and you have an opportunity to counterplay your attackers or be out played/overrun.

When I die I just want to get straight back in, for OW when I die sometimes i just want to uninstall.

Maybe Apex has better netcode or what-not but it also so far anyways doesnt seem to always “favor the shooter”, so u can actually go around corners and not rubber band back to some location the game claims you already died at, lol.

Also I find its a lot less random with only two random team mates, your single input is worth twice as much as it is in OW as a result.
This equals games more so being decided by yourself instead of your team mates. +1!!

But how long can it hold me in its braces? Time will tell I’m sure, it was just born after all and i am sure its making tons of cash so expect updates and addittions sooner then later.

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I’ve been playing on and off and I completely agree. The matchmaking is horrible in this game, no role q, and LFG is useless in higher ranks. Its easy to abuse the system to climb to higher ranks like me and many other have done. Every time you go into a game its a hit or miss, and maybe 1 out of 50 matches are equal, positive, and nothing unfair in one teams hand. It’s really sad to see the way things are going for Blizzard, not only for Overwatch but many other titles like Diablo and WoW. The only thing fun anymore is q-ing with a friend in quick play or in competitive arcade.

I’m too serious? You just posted paragraphs because I didn’t like your lame joke kid. More people liked my rebuttal than your “joke” if that’s how you’re rating your success.

Saying I don’t have a sense of humor implies that your joke was funny as well but I couldn’t see it. Let me let you in on a secret…it wasn’t funny.

Move on. I’m done talking about it.


First I don’t know why you would have ever praised or thanked them. There has been a lack of content from day one.

Second Blizzard as a company doesn’t exist anymore, and it hasn’t for a long time. It is Blizzard in name, and name only.

Apex is the boost they need to realize no king rules forever unless they do something to keep their legacy going.

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Well, Blizzard Entertainment died in 2008. Activision Blizzard kept a facade up till 2018.

I still haven’t bought WoW’s latest expansion due to a total what in the world on story going into it. I haven’t expected much from this game since I realized “there will be single story playing” meant…practicing against bots.

They never cared to try to flush this story out, (outside of using the trade winds of outrage to get those sweet virtue points) it’s always been evident.

Now they lay off 800 people? I will never buy another thing from Blizzard, unless they happen to SOMEHOW break off from Activision, ever again. I do not trust this publisher after making the most money ever in 2018…to lay off 800 people…after paying the new CFO 15 million just to come and a 10 million dollar bonus to the CEO??? Sorry Blizzard, you fine folks are no longer getting my red pennies.

Signed, a fan that played your bare minimum effort in WoW (at least since launch event Cata)