It is time to leak the content creator meeting

They’ve replaced guilds and community with content creators, twitch meta


I’d actually be for this. It’s not preferable to a Halo-Style Clan system, imo, but it is a pretty based concept. Then the only way to start a “Clan” or Guild is to be a popular twitch streamer. Limits people from just spam creating new clans and gives cross-progression between Twitch and OW as the popular streamers could maybe provide sprays/icons for their current members. Maybe even Skins. Just pay it out to the streamer/artist who made the emotes and slap them on sprays/icons/skins in the game.

I always love this one


I have the leak:
A lot of air and $ for the Content creators. WOW SUCH HYPE WOW OVERWATCH IS SAVED


The leak is: Overwatch2 is going into maintenance mode. Resources are being redirected into Overwatch3!! :100:


You’ll find out when they let you know.
They can tell who they want, when they want, how they want.

You’re just making yourself anxious on a topic you can’t control.


Pog! I can’t wait to see the new skins!

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2055: We are excited to announce Overwatch 14! This new game comes with not one but TWO new skins, it is not an expansion its a brand new game i promise!!


And that is the worst part: it looks like they dont have anything. If not even leakers bother to find out what is happening the reason for that is really bad. OW2 will be a complete joke when it comes out in 2030…

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Why leak it? They should just announce what it was. Then again, it’s gonna be something random no one even asked for, like if you get get five votes on a card after the match, you get 25 currency.

I noticed that as well, it makes me wonder if they actually waved just a bunch of money and showed them a couple of new things :rofl:

“we’ll give you money if you exaggerate your thoughts” :joy::joy:


LOLWUT?! Barely exists? It is stomping Overwatch in every metric. It has a much, much larger player base. About six times as many people watch Valorant streams compared to Overwatch.

More people play it, more people watch people play it. It is definitely outperforming OW.

It’s an alright game. I’m not a big fan of CS:GO though, so it isn’t really my cup of tea. I think OW is the better game, but it is older and abandoned by the devs.


If whatever the devs work on is great, they would show it in a trailer with a roadmap and not pay content creators for cheap advertisement about nothing confirmed. You know, like Jeff did. Maybe the current project director could show up for once and say something what is going on. I’m only concerned that there is someone responsible for this sitting in Cali and thinking this was a great move and good enough for communication.


AMEN :pray:t2:
Where’s Aaron? We haven’t seen him IN MONTHS. Not a single piece of communication. I already miss Jeff.


They managed to change it enough to be different from the original in some bad ways while still not being different in a way that is exciting.

That should tell us everything we need to know about OW2 if they had to be bribed to be excited for it.


Considering the amount of people that participated one of them would have denied it and call out the deal.

I saw they deleted a post where guy said in few lines that Content Creators did not think good about their game but Blizz swinged with $$$ and NDA and then they said its good game.

Post got something like 90 likes and it was deleted in front of my eyes.

In terms of FPS games Valorant is pretty much at the top.

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There most definitely is. People here are just doing the typical “hey I’m pretending to be cynical, aren’t I cool haha” routine. The streamers that are part of this clearly indicated some degree of good news was there, but they are all under NDAs which they have made clear. As content creators you do not want to be the one left in the cold going forward by leaking. Those NDA’s literally carry legal terms that could beyond getting shut out in the future, also result in legal actions and fines. What would you do?

I am a staunch critic of the dev team, notably the design/balance team which absolutely cannot pull it’s head out of it’s rear to make good changes despite numerous players and top 10 players explaining how to do this correctly. OTOH, the company is a dumpster fire from a management standpoint, and Bobby Kotick is still at the helm. What do you expect?

The single best outcome we can hope for is: OW 2 flounders enough, not to die, but to force personnel changes across the board, notably with Geoff’s team and Bobby Kotick is gone. Maybe then OW has a chance.

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Redshell almost leaked at some point since he has no NDA but all he said was “It gave me back hope in OW”.