Is Wrecking Ball Underpowered?



its honestly to soon to tell as he is new to the game and not everyone knows how to play him yet

Underpowered. He needs some hamster buffs.

Underpowered: He feels too reliant on a gimmick that the game engine’s physics weren’t built for.

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I 100% agree with this

I would throw my hat into the “Too Soon to Tell” bucket.

I played him on the PTR some and… his grapple movement and aiming pile driver is… NOT easy.

I think it’ll be a bit before people get used to using those abilities and figuring out who and what Hammond works best with.

OP and it will shows when he comes to comp.

He is a better If he is UP then needs a buff.

I personally liked when could eat everything because I found it easy to help my supports and felt useful. New is not my kind of character so whenever I need to play off-tank, I Zarya.

I am not sure he’s underpowered but I do think his mines maybe take too long to arm… making his Ult basically only good for blocking lanes for a few seconds. It feels a bit like D.Va’s ult at launch where it just gave the opposite team too much time to react.

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Too soon to tell.

I’m leaning towards kind of weak very slowly.

So far, I’d say he seems a bit underpowered, but don’t think we should decide until he’s available in comp.

i have seen some players who’ve gotten his combo’s down well, and they put in some good work with him

I’m torn between too soon to tell and underpowered.

I think it’s too soon to tell because he’s a new hero and essentially nobody has enough experience to grasp how he works on each map.

But on the other hand I’ve come up against him on multiple heroes (Support, DPS, etc) and I just don’t feel threatened? Like he’s only a threat when hes near a payload.

He essentially feels like a tank that’s limited to area denial. Because he doesn’t feel strong enough to solo tank.

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What if he gave shields to his allies when he used that ability? 15 seconds is a little long for something like that.

Too soon to tell. He might seem underpowered now, but we haven’t seen him in comp, and people haven’t had a lot of time to figure out how to best optimize him.

He takes a LOT of practice to get the hang of swinging around so I think it will take some time for the average person to get an opinion on him. Only the hard core players that will only play him and get in hours of practice will know early on. Personally I feel he’s the hardest hero to date to get the hand of. incoming Genji mains disagreeing

Also with the current maps there are limited places where you can have real run swinging around objects. Most of the time you’re stuck with just swing around corners.

To Soon To Tell?

Now polls are banned?

The coc gets more and more ridiculous every day

I mean the devs do it so I was like, “I should do this”.

To soon to tell.

Only time will tell❤️