Is widowmaker the new tracer?

How is Tracer not balanced? She even got a completely unjustified nerf to her ult when Brigitte was also released which already lowered the impact of her ult.
A hero that’s OP is going to stay in the META regardless of what it is. Tracer has always been META dependant.


It seems as though some players don’t want to acknowledge that Mercy is one of the hardest squishies in the game to kill. Not only does she have a tiny hitbox and a passive which heals chip damage, but she has what is situationally the best mobility in the game. In addition, the player she’s pocketing hears a voice line when she’s being attacked, which can immediately grab that player’s attention. Plus, her health bar is visible to said player, so they can prioritize defending her. I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m fiercely protective of my Mercy.

Zen is super easy to assassinate but very dangerous to approach from the front, due to his massive burst damage.

Lucio is incredibly mobile and peels for himself. Plus, he’s actually pretty good in a duel if the player can aim.

Moira is hard to kill through her self-healing and escape tool.

Ana is easy to assassinate but dangerous to duel if she has her abilities up. She needs buffs, though. Dying to her pretty much always feels deserved, which to me is the hallmark of a well-designed hero.

Brigitte is a waste of time to focus unless your name is Pharah.


Easiest one clip target, also the one I approach most cautiously. Zen’s that can aim are monsters. Scared af of them…


i’d take “low skill” close combat hero over widow.

at least thats interactive play. fuq widowmaker.


As someone who has a butt-ton of hours on Ana, I honestly feel accomplished when I beat someone in a duel (especially when it’s Genji or Tracer simply due to how hard it is to land shots on them) so I honestly appreciate the respect.

That said, seriously.

Can Ana get some actual changes?



Ana is such a tragic overwatch story. She has ONE EYE AND SHE’S STILL SNIPING. ONE EYE!!!

Confession… I’ve stood still after waking up and let Anas kill me while I emote after being hit with a skillful and clutch sleep dart as Tracer.

I’ve done it a lot. One could argue it has cost me games…

I will reflect on this. Apologies to all the people I hurt… Just… So much respect for the sleep dart… Those Anas deserved the kill…


I’m a big fan of these forums wanting all the higher skill heroes nerfed

You all wanted dive nerfed because GM tracers that you all never fought nerfed and now the same for widow

I guess mccree will be next

I’m starting to think this is a conspiracy where they’re trying to delete all the pharah and mercy counters one by one starting with Ana and ending with Mccree

We good.

When I die to Zen or Ana as Tracer or Widow, I feel outplayed. When I die to Moira as Genji, I feel a bit miffed but I know to save my Swift Strike for the second swing of my Dragonblade; that ginger’s going down. When I die to Brigitte as anything ground-based, I feel rather annoyed, like the other player is abusing an exploit to bypass skill checks.

Personally, if a flanker is wrecking my healers, I usually go McCree and bodyguard them. The feeling of power I get from a Mercy boost or Zen orb is positively potent.

Oh, wait, what’s that? McCree is a poor person’s Hanzo? Nevermind. I guess I can’t afford to swap off the OPAF archer.


I usually switch to McCree to help my Supports whenever I’m flexing onto DPS…

…but I usually get neglected in favor of the Tanks, so what can you do?

Honestly, I just feel like people need to stop taking one another for granted.

Too often I see DPS-Mains brushing off Support-Mains, Support-Mains blaming DPS-Mains for all their woes and Tank-Mains blaming DPS-Mains for not “pulling their weight”.

As someone who flexes for his group, I understand that each role comes with their different forms of stress and pressure (I personally find DPS to be the most stressful role) so I don’t try really try to blame specific groups.

That said, I see TOO much blame and hate thrown towards the direction of DPS for balancing changes when in reality, there’s more to it than most people realize.


Ngl Soldier was my go to answer to Tracers. That’s when I couldn’t beat some smurf in a straight up Tracer v Tracer duel. Biofield, helix, hitscan headshots, ADAD crouch spam… Pretty stacked fight tbh.

Sad thing is… You gotta aim for it to work.


Given the horrendous place Ana is in, I have the utmost respect for players who play her rather than Mercy, who’s better in practically every single situation. Of course, I’d rather have a Mercy on my team 19/20 times, but that’s just the way the meta works. I’d rather be on Tracer but Hanzo’s too strong not to play. Now if only Ana could get some actual survivability to match her lone survivor lore. A proper self heal + high ground access would do it, I think.

I seldom heal, but when I do, I play Ana. I must say that there is no sweeter feeling in Overwatch than sleeping an ulting Genji when he’s dashing at you. Not sticking a Mercy and watching her fly to her ulting Pharah, nor deflecting a Widow’s scoped shot back into her face. Because both of those are over too quickly to truly savor. No, sleeping an ulting Genji is the sweetest because you both know what comes next. You call your teammate over and together you stand over the supine form of the cyborg ninja. Now you will have your fun.


Oops, that Dva pelleted him before you did it, and he killed you.
And now your team is screaming at you because they need healing :v

That’s what usually happens to me anyways.

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I usually find that supports are more likely to temporarily pocket the one person who’s actively trying to save them but it really is a crapshoot in solo queue.

I can’t stand healing or tanking, and I kinda suck at those roles. I play every hero like a DPS, TBH. I flame strike Pharahs out of the air and shoot Widows in the side of the head after wallriding up to them. As someone who personally finds Tracer and Widow to be easier to play than Rein or Mercy, I value people who can actually trust their teammates to shoot their enemies to death quite highly. There’s a reason why the majority of people on my friends list are healers and tanks. :grin:

Truly, credit and blame should be more evenly spread, IMO. I had a game recently as Widow, in which I could do nothing, due to being constantly harassed by the enemy Widow, Winston, and Genji. Later that day, I played on the same map against a similar comp, but this time, I had a friend with me. He picked Winston and bodyguarded me, which allowed me to pop off and “carry” the game. Note that, despite positioning myself near a mega health pack, I actually received a reasonable amount of healing from my Mercy. Sure, mine was the portrait on the left side of the kill feed, but it was a coordinated team effort that made our victory possible.

Oh, and FWIW, I find healing to be the most stressful job. Kudos to those who can main that role and somehow keep their sanity despite the abuse.

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That… happens way too often.

Firstly, you did the exact same thing you criticized him of doing. Secondly, he explained his point, saying that a truly op hero would remain in the meta. Thirdly, how does his statement say that reon was up for a long time and became op? In fact, his statement suports that rein is balanced. His point is that if tracer was op she would be picked no matter what, but she isn’t. This also applies to rein, so you completely misunderstood his point.

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Rein underpowered?

Rein was never underpowered and have almost always been meta even during dive he had same pickrate as Winston in grandmaster

Now he is almost a must pick because of this meta


No pls.
The reason to nerf a hero for a 5% or < of the community?

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I have easy solution:

A hero that has one time ult at the start of the round that does the following:

You use it on ally and that hero’s ult is active for rest of the round or until this hero is swapped.

Current Hanzo is way worse than Widow or Tracer are, or ever have been.


Widowmaker is fine…