Is widowmaker the new tracer?

a balanced hero everywhere, even useless if you don’t know how to play them but a monster in GM.

she doesn’t need a nerf, she may be a problem in GM but everywhere else she is fine, don’t nerf her.


Just because Tracer fell out of the meta doesn’t mean she is balanced. I would still nerf her in a heart beat if it were up to me. I have no problem with Widow though.

Actually I would rework her ult because I think it wrecks the pace of play, but that is another topic entirely


Salty Mercy mains needed a new hero to complain about


It actually does mean she’s balanced, the must picks in the current meta are hanzo and mercy because their op, if tracer was so powerful she would still be picked no matter the meta.


Saying so doesn’t make it so. If you were right, that would mean that Reinhardt was underpowered for a long long time and now he is overpowered… yet he hasn’t had a single change to his tool kit in that time span.


Plat have buttloads of widowsmurfs ruins games.


This describes everything on your side too

Also when hanzo makes all other dps inferior and mercy makes all other healers inferior than it’s probably them and not every other character in the roster, tracer never made other picks an inferior choice and nether does rein.

Yes, Widow is the new Tracer. As such, I fear that she, too, may get an undeserved nerf.

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Just nerf her firing speed or charge rate. Problem solved.

Or better yet, make her counters viable again.


Just wait for the aimless anti sniper hero that rocks a personal shield.

I still vote for Hammond being that hero being able to blind Widow by throwing feces in her face and then some sort of leap and quick kill combo. Thematic anti sniper concepts ftw.


She isn’t unbalanced? What counters her? Dive. Graple away from divers and snipe them. Anything else? An other widow. Balanced? No way. I don’t want a nerf for her, I want a rework.

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Of course, said aimless anti-sniper would also be extremely safe and easy, and their release to the live server would coincide with a direct nerf to Widow.

That Hammond concept. :joy:

As a console player, I sometimes sarcastically call for Blizzard to release a hero who is to Pharah what Brigitte is to Tracer. What I actually do is practice my Widow. If Widow gets nerfed, I’ll desperately desire that the flying rat takes a solid hit from the nerf bat.


People don’t like the idea of losing because the other person was better.
They want hard counters so they have a free win button to switch to.

That’s why so many support mains celebrate Brigitte, eventhough her mere existence and the possibility of her being played ensures that a lot of characters are garbage and too much of a risk to run, because of how armor interacts with certain weapon types. They wanted a [kill genji] button, and they got it.
Sadly, they took Sombra, Reaper, Soldier and many other high rate of fire/pellet damage characters down with him.


No worries about Widowmaker down here in Bronze :slight_smile:



I’m wondering just what kind of class they’ll inevitably add is gonna “keep her in check” (because apparently, Tracer, Genji, and Winston aren’t counters anymore). It’ll probably be an awful combination of CC and Mobility.

“lol, just keep your dist- oh…****”

How did this trend even hellspawn? Was there a new aimbot? An influx of smurf accounts? New Overwatch players who have 6+ years of FPS playtime?

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SBB stopped playing Tracer on his smurf accounts. He handed them all over to Pine and now Pine’s playing Widow.

God have Mercy on the Silver/Gold/Plats. All their games decided by Pine. So mean…

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I wouldn’t go so far as to personally insult said support mains. We DPS mains need support mains to keep our tanks up, after all, and we need our tanks to create space for us to do damage.

That said, I’ve been killed as Widow by good Zens, and I’ve seen it happen in OWL, too. The problem is that Zen requires aim, and preferably a 2000 HP shield held up in front of him. Instead of coordinating to hit a nearly static target (Widow is SUUUUUPER slow when scoped), some people just want a ‘Kill Annoying DPS’ button. That kind of approach I find to be mildly sickening.


The worst part about this was that Genji wasn’t even dominating, he was just annoying to go up against.

I really don’t like calling out Support-Mains and what not, but the ones on the forums…man, do they just want a game where Support players are uncontested and never die?

I want to side with other Support-Mains but a lot of the statements and claims they make are utterly ridiculous to the point that I can’t help but side and defend Damage-Mains more than I do Support-Mains.

I mean, if you’re not somewhat challenged by a threat then the game becomes boring and stale.

All I know is that if Widowmaker gets nerfed (mind you, I play on Console where she’s even less prevalent than she is on PC)…I will have completely lost faith in the balancing team and this community.


Yes. They do. Just accept it. Welcome to Wonderland.

Tis how it is. You will join us in our tea party of madness trying to fight it. I take it that it’s your birthday, isn’t it? No? Then a very merry unbirthday to you.

Yeah i love support and tank players no beef from me and i have out sniped widows on the zenyatta i’ve seen JJoNak do it he’s even my idol. but on these forums so many support players want to kill all the dps without needing skill just look at brig. she’s only here cuz support players on the forums wanted and free kill for Tracer (and then say how supports have always been free kills and it’s the dps turn) They spend more time on the forums then in game not practicing but complaining. now every time i see a Tracer i flash then head shot her something most supports on these forums can’t do no hate towards supports yet again i have 10 hours on Zen being my most this season