Is Widow OP or No?

Played Halo, Destiny, and Call of Duty like crazy. Whatever they did for Overwatch is abysmal. Tried every setting and it still doesn’t feel right.

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Widow’s maximum potential is impossible in practice.

I have like a 15% crit as widow right now. XBL.
Doable, but with how every hero moves weirdly and wildly in this game.
It is hard on a controller.

Packet loss causes all sorts of subtle issues with many heroes

I said ‘effective inf range’, as in there is no sight line under traditional rules where it’s limitation is relevant.

Dealing damage is limited by defenses and accuracy… thanks for clearing that up.

Netcode allows Widowmaker to jump around a corner and OHK a non tank before their client was able to update with Widow’s position. You’re dead before you know it. Fun and engaging.

In general I’d say no. I’m not a fan of OHK toons in a game that doesn’t have good cheat protection. IMHO one hit kill toons like hanzo and widow shouldn’t be in the game in the first place it really ruins the fun esp when you run into a snap to aimbotter. That said with all the shields and high mobility heros I think there are enough counters to keep her from being OP.

Packet loss might be a problem, but a system that literally discards something like ForwardVector information enabling packet loss to be a problem is worse. Same goes for headshot turning into bodyshots… the lack of a proper hitscan system that checks for things after the initial impact is pretty bad.

The term is ‘broken.’

You can’t have a character that has a near-guaranteed insta-gib for any non-tank hero that’s bound to their primary attack and not have them either be worthless or absolutely wrecking.

Overpowered suggests her stats need some massaging. Widow needs a redesign.

Definitely not. She is a sniper, and some people will make snipers look like gods and some people will make them look completely worthless.

She takes practice, and that’s not a reason to start swinging the nerfs at her.

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That’s literally what the AWP is.

It depends on what you are referring to. At the highest levels? Yes, she is genuinely broken. She dominated OWL in virtually every stage and it is one of the most consistent characters at top 500 and whatnot. To virtually anyone else, she is a bit of a joke.

…but the capabilities of the AWP is available to anyone who saves up the cash to purchase it and other guns don’t have their range severly limited by design.

Likewise, the utility that Widow has is wholly dependent on the enemy team not being a bunch of potatoes and not using barriers.

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Though Widowmaker has better mobility and damage at further ranges than any other dps, so your statement applies to and effects several other damage heroes more than it does Widow. Not to mention how small the barrier is relative to FoV at longer ranges.

Better mobility? Last I checked she didn’t have a reset on elimination, or a 3 second cooldown, or an instant reload in omnidirectional cast. Widow, by far, does NOT have the same sort of mobility as other heroes, and it’s being made worse even though it’s already one of the buggiest (if not the buggiest) ability in the game.

Everyone continues to overvalue the hook and look at it in a vacuum. They don’t realize it takes about 1.833+ seconds longer than the advertised cooldown to actually go on cooldown.

Everyone conveniently ignores that these happen;

Because suddenly everyone is an expert when it comes to Widowmaker’s balance and they totally know everything there is to know about Widow, and routinely ignore actual Widow players and their feedback, arguing that it’s not buggy and the hook is fine and it’s completely user error when it so clearly is not.

As for her damage, she’s still combating recoil, aim punch, a net code bug that literally turns hits into misses, and her clean up kill potential has been made worse with her SMG no longer dealing full damage at range.

Or the fact that her counters have been continually buffed to fight engagements against her (Winston barrier buff, D.Va Defense Matrix on rightclick + Micro Missiles)

Or the fact that people abuse the crap out of the strafe spam making shots a literal quick time event that, if you have a 60 fps monitor, you CANNOT reasonably predict and time, but everyone says that you can and you’re just bad if you can’t.

Or the fact that Widow’s average damage is consistently lower than most other DPS heroes – her average damage doesn’t even beat out a Pharah.


Yes, omnidirectional mobility. Last I checked Tracer can’t blink to a ledge 20m above her head regardless of the cooldown on it, nor can she use her mobility to create a sight line that she can convert into a OHK from 50m away.

I’m not looking at it in a ‘vacuum’ I’m actually looking at it in a way where she might use her grappling hook to bypass the space a shield affords to the enemy team. In direct response to your assertion that ‘Widow is mitigated by shields’ and my counter point that she’s far less impeded by them than other damage heroes with a common example of how Widowmaker can use her mobility to effectively decrease the space a shield grants.

You are still viewing it in a vacuum.

Those barriers can be rotated (or are shaped to give 180/360 degree coverage). Repositioning doesn’t have any inherent value unless the barriers themselves are completely static, and they aren’t.

No Rein is just going to let you deal damage to them. If they see you, they’re going to block you relative to your position. Same goes for Brig, and even Sym way back when she had a barrier to cast. The advantage you gain from being able to reposition is balanced out by the barrier repositioning, so it’s not a pro or con for Widow.

Meanwhile, you expending your cooldown means you’re stuck standing still to enforce pressure, opening yourself up to countersniping, counter-snipers, and dives.

I have to say this again, her hook is buggy. It’s not reliable. With the exception of Hammond’s physics based movement, no other hero has this much inconsistency with their movement abilities. No other ability requires course correction to attempt to fix a failed hook and turn it into a successful (late, but sort of successful) reposition.


I’m looking at it in a vacuum, then you proceed to give me an example where the other 5 members of her team aren’t concerned with the enemy tank rotating their shield and exposing their team? Ok.

She’s not OP, it’s only a matter of what the game has became recently. A lot of her counter play was removed cause of the new Brigitte meta and with all the CC the game has right now, her job has become pretty easy to do.

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You realize that enemies aren’t static pylons, right? That they move?

And that if you try to reposition to a spot, every single reposition (even with teammate pressure) can be accommodated for simply by backing up a bit and splitting the difference?

If you can draw an isosceles triangle, you can block all of her shots. And any team comp that can be used to hard counter shut down Widowmaker (without explicitly engaging her) is coincidentally also really effective at fighting other heroes.

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She’s a lot like Tracer. Balanced in the lower ranks, but her infinite skill ceiling makes a good Widowmaker insanely hard to play against. There’s very little counterplay when she’s played to her strongest. I think she deserves a hard counter for those instances where she’s insanely oppressive, but nothing so absurdly easy to play like Brigitte.

If there was a support who could place a barrier around an enemy that had to be destroyed to shoot outside of it, it would be a great way to counter her and give your team time to move about without worrying about being one-shot from across the map.