Is trans too strong? Or is sound barrier too weak?

The meta is a little broken right now. That doesn’t mean you should double down on the broken meta.

Then it would be Mercy and Lucio as the too most played heroes…yikes. You would probably only be able to kill people using sniper one shot or ULT

Lucio’s healing is superior if played correctly.

Plus the whole flying in from out of the sky to drop the beat on the point was fun as hell

Sound barrier is too weak. There is too much damage and damage boosting for 600 rapidly decaying shield hp to be worth the risk. It’s like Barrage, but at least Pharah can get multikills with her ult.

I don’t have a ton of time on Lucio, but in my experience the best use is not to counter offensive ults, but rather to win a push. So I use it proactively rather than reactively. It’s not nearly as satisfying as other ults, but it has a productive use. And when I use it this way, the delay doesn’t seem punitive.

I mean the whole point of EMP was to counter SB in DIVE comp. But like you said, SB itself is pretty weak as is and Brig ult is way superior.

An Ana with a good enough aim can shut down a Lucio ult before it even actually pops.

recently papajeff tells lucio can receive a new animation for the sound barrier to go more fast use.

trance is good but so is beat. Lucios protects burst dmg trance protects sustain dmg

sound barrier has always been the weakest ult in the game even though it is very difficult to get the most out of it, even if you drop the beat at the perfect timing on a dva bomb, you still cannot save yourself. At best it is a minor inconvenience to the opponent as a defensive ult, and only can really be considered useful as an offensive ult, but is still not as good as other ults to combo for offense; grav, valk, nano, shatter, so you basically use it if nothing else is ready cause its better than nothing. none of this would be a problem if it was the fastest charging in the game but its nowhere near that fast to charge. As the latest hero shows, its okay to have an ult that has 0 timing to it and almost no game sense to use, so sound barrier should never decay.

I have over 200 Hours of Lucio and I can confirm it’s that Sound Barrier is too weak. I agree with your changes, making the cast time longer HAS to happen and the shields need some kind of buff! You have no idea how many times I land a perfectly timed Sound Barrier, but it doesn’t matter because the high offensive ult damage + the decay barely blocks anything. Sometimes just simple focus fire in the general direction of the team can SHRED a Sound Barrier.
It SHOULD counter Rip-Tire and other Burst related offensive ults, but those ults are often so quick and/or unpredictable and Sound Barrier’s cast time is so long that it’s very unreliable at doing it’s job. Especially in this meta, Lucio feels like he doesn’t even have an Ult, it’s sometimes worse than Nano and that’s saying something!

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Sound Barrier is outdated tbh. Even when it was relevant it was still only good when used by the top 1% as not only timing is a huge part of it but also requires your team to actually do something with it while it’s active.

I think they should just lower the decay by something like 30%. Although reduction in the charge cost is also a good suggestion.

The issue is, it’s a reactive ult designed to mitiage burst damage, and it does a terrible job at it

No more nerfs, jesus.
Trans has been the exact same sense launch, he just gets played more. Big whoop.

Buff Lucio’s sound barrier so he can be used more, don’t nerf zen so he can be used less.

The animation needs to be faster and the shields need tweaking. They either need to not diminish until the ult ends or more shields need to be provided.

It just doesn’t provide enough value right now.

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Sound Barrier decays too quickly for it to be effective for more than 2 seconds. The fact that your ult charge is consumed the moment you jump with the ability means you’re doomed if you’re not very careful with how and when you apply it. It is also the only ultimate besides EMP which forces a jump as far as I know. It was cool for style points when you’d keep your ult if you died while activating it, but now it’s a crippling detriment to be stuck in an animation until you make contact with the ground, unable to use most abilities while in the animation.


YOu’re telling me. I got 50 hours on Lucio. I die more when I use Sound Barrier

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All healers right now feel like they are in an amazingly weak spot.

Lucio and Mercy are both a joke in terms of their ults. Sound Barrier does next to nothing and is melted and Mercy’s puts out such little healing it’s used more as a last ditch effort to save a tank or just to push forward quickly. None of them outside of Zen’s seem to be used for healing what so ever, they are offensive pushes or desperate attempts at saving a player or two.

Mercy I think is in the best spot for healing but WORST for her ult and while Zen’s is powerful it can be easily countered. I feel like DPS tends to complain that healers are ‘too strong’ by just doing the job a healer should be doing…undoing damage.

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Agreed. They need to make some changes to the ult.