Is this the final OW 1 ranked season?

This is a really silly point, stuffed full of ignorance tbh

Feel free to pick it apart then

Dunno, I kinda view widespread prejudice as kinda antithetical and hypocritical to social justice issues.

Like I’ll be the first to agree that Bobby Kotick has gotta go.

But also the nice part is that the bad actors within ActiBliz upper management have every inventive to “behave properly” until that Microsoft Merger goes through.

There’s just too much stock value money on the line. Also Bobby is likely to get an extremely lavish golden parachute as he exits.

Just wondering, would you personally have any moral qualms about joining a company that you knew allowed widespread sexual harassment towards women?

Assuming there’s 70 billion dollars of reasons for that not to happen again, and within a few months the entire offending upper management is gonna be swapped out.

Not really.

This thing that went on at Activision is the norm, not just in the workplace, but society as a whole. When you navigate your career you would be at peak naivety to believe that you’re ever walking into a place that is free of this bs. You have to navigate all sorts of challenges to further your goals. It sucks but it’s literally everywhere

This assertion that only certain types of people would apply to said company isn’t based on anything other than ignorance. You don’t know these people at all. You’re just prejudging them thinking you are holding some moral high ground when all you are exuding is the same mentality as any other bigoted person who judges others, not on their own merits, but based on some unrelated external factor that you conveniently apply out of context to appease your bias.

If this is so widespread and the norm as you say, can you link me a few other DFEH lawsuits out of a superior court of similar magnitude to what Blizzard is facing?

Well, to start with

Except that it is 30 days. That is it.

Thank you. So good people know not to apply to work at either Riot or Blizzard.

Lol you really think you have something here?

Like hey guys, Blizzard is the only company in the world that suffers from sexual discrimination problems and if the Government doesn’t sue them it doesn’t count.

Your argument holds no merit and nobody here has to waste their time combating such an ill thought out and ignorant point of view.

It’s been dismantled even if you’re too stubborn to accept it

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You said it’s the norm yet couldn’t even give me one example. Greyfalcon provided one on behalf of you.

I hate to break it to you, but Blizzard’s sexual abuse issues are not normal. No one HAS to go work for a company with such widespread issues, such as Blizzard. Just pick a company that didn’t have an employee kill herself over harassment problems at work. It’s easy

I mean, if you are okay with that, fine - go work for that company, I guess.

I just don’t see the issue here if 99.9% of the people at a company aren’t a problem, and that the issue is upper management having bad policies. Of which they are gonna get swapped out soon, and have every financial reason to “behave properly” in the meantime.

That said, what do you think about the definition of this word?

The very definition of virtue signalling.

You don’t care about the very real problem women face in almost every workplace around the world or at home or in the streets. Just the ones that hit the headlines so you can grandstand on the forum.

And none of what you’re saying even addresses my point. You’re still trying to validate your reasoning behind your bigotry when even if everything you’re saying is true it STILL doesn’t mean you get to predetermine what that means about the other people who work there, many of whom could be victims themselves.

So no, I don’t care about your strawman argument

Or Rockstar or Ubisoft for their own scandals. Basically it has been a problem facing the entire gaming industry and to an extent STEM fields in general which is FINALLY starting to both get the attention it deserves and see serious actions being taken to combat it.

Lots of decent men and women work for the company, and don’t want to lose their jobs because people like you think it has to go under, because you subscribe to a chronically online ethos where we don’t fix problems, we just spew vitriol at everything we don’t like and collect internet points.

Kotick sucks, lots of men within Actiblizz suck, but there are also lots of people there living their dream and feeding their families there.

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What is weird to me is that when many of the very people who were in charge when all of this happened leave and go either work for or start their own company people support that company which is made up of the problem versus the company that largely pruned most of the problems from its staff. Kotick is basically the only person in that behemoth of a company that is tied to any allegations (and even then not the ones the lawsuit was about) and he is leaving shortly after the merger goes through.

At which point you are left just hating a name.

Its 11 PM here so I go to sleep. Lets hope they say something tomorrow.

you guys are much better than warcraft (wow and wc3rf) and starcraft community managers

I said he was a good dude already? My point was that rescinding a criticism on the grounds that I like Craig as a person is biased.

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