Is this the final OW 1 ranked season?

The reality is that as technology moves forward some people will be left behind.

The likely reality is that they’re doing this to limit on smurfs and hackers and think that the collateral damage will be small enough to be worth it.

Someone in another thread commented on how people were demanding an offline version of WoW because they didn’t have reliable internet, which in today’s world just sounds absolutely silly.

Smart phone ownership has surpassed computer ownership. It sucks that you will be left behind if this system works out the way everyone is expecting it to, but it isn’t going to be backbreaking for the community at large.

It might suck, but you’re the exception. It’s bad business to cater to exceptions.


To be quite frank and clear on this, its a terrible idea on their end because its not going to stop ANYTHING like people think. It opens new doors for people to exploit this and as much as blizzard may think they have the best IT security team on earth. Nothing is secure. I am against it because of honest people having to fork out extra money for a mobile device to use it, when their device has a failure they will lose their account and those that know how to circumvent SMS will take advantage of the game by cheating in droves.

Trust me. you do NOT want this.

I don’t really care one way or another, honestly.

I don’t presume to know what the results were be, but I don’t think even Blizzard expects this to 100% solve their problems. It’s a matter of how much it will curb it, and I think claiming it will have a 0% impact is just as naive as saying 100%.

We’ll see if it’ll be worth it in the long run. Regardless, though, my point was largely that you can’t expect companies to not adapt with technology because you can’t. It sucks, but you’re a very niche client.

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Explanation please??

Like they’re currently doing? At least less of them will be doing it now. Almost everyone in the first world has a phone, and if you can’t find someone who can lend you a number or get one yourself it sucks to be you, but that tiny percentage of people don’t beat out the interests of the vast majority. For every person like you without a phone there is 100 people who will stop playing if SMS doesn’t cut down on cheating/smurfing. Which it will. Some people will spoof numbers and smurf anyway, but most won’t.

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Are they going to do an announcement today? If new ranked is 11am pdt tomorrow I would have thought they would have said something else

Tbh there’s A LOT they should be saying about a lot of things at this point, but for some reason it’s all very hush hush.


I assume they’ll talk more in the next few days, if not tomorrow.

There was never going to be a third beta, it was all speculation, why do ppl keep saying it got canceled, pls stop the misinformation

you can never prove intent and what people will or will NOT do. It becomes a strawman argument and the same thing would be said about laws stop criminals as effectively as they dont. Just the same as you can’t predict the lottery numbers and win the jackpot.

So we just shouldn’t have laws? Is that what you’re actually saying?

How is SMS verification at ALL like predicting lotto numbers?

Putting barriers in front of cheating will reduce cheating. That is objective reality. If something is harder to do less people will do it.

Is your argument that you can’t prove what effect it will have? I don’t understand.

If you can’t prove the actual impact it will have why do you think it will have none?

The fact is that it will likely stop a lot more smurfing and cheating than it will stop people from being able to play at all. It’s likely a net positive for the game. The question is how positive it will be.

You are aware that in their new Model for this game. The game is FREE to play?

So how is some SMS barrier supposed to stop someone from making another account? Just looking at the online apps there are PLENTY of ways here for a person to change an SMS address when they send out a text to that number. Seriously, WHAT is going to stop ME from going to make 1 account after the next one is gone, lost, stolen, abandoned or closed down? NOTHING.

Well, it takes you six hours to get a text, so that might stop you.

That aside though, not everyone will be aware of those or find it to be worth the effort. I’ve never said smurfing and cheating will be gone, but I though it’s naive to say it won’t have any reduction whatsoever.

We also don’t know if there will be some other means to further secure it.

I mean for my main and only account yes. But if I use KALI here on a laptop and decide to make HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of overwatch accounts. … I’d say pretty easy enough to make PLENTY OF alts. it flatout stinks my Primary account with all my cool skins that I spend thousand plus hours collecting will not be available for a portion of the day. But everything else means I could become a habitual Cheater or make dreaded level 1s all day. Just sayin.

My thing is. Its not a shur-fire way to stop ANYONE with a College semester worth of Computer training or anyone else even at a high school or now Middle School level worth of computer schooling . Someone can look up on the internet on how to do it, AND THEY WILL. If it exists on computer, it can be SPOOFED and it can be circumvented. and there are PLENTY of network tools on the web, that exist to allow someone with some background in computer to circumvent a so-called “protection”.

They want Smurffs to stop. put a price tag of 40-50 dollars on the game and call it a day. From a business stand point, Blizzard accepting SMS messages and setting that kind of system up, only adds even more to their budget and flatout STOPS NOTHING.

Which is more than you’d think. I’ve never said it will stop everyone, but it will stop enough that the rare cases of people being unable to play will be worth it in my opinion.

That would be a pretty solid time investment, and like you said, it requires background in knowing spoofing is possible and how to make it happen.

And you’re assuming that Blizzard won’t do anything at all to circumvent it. They already don’t allow prepaid phones like tracphone and cricket/etc. They will never fully stop cheating and smurfing, but the harder it is and the more time and research it takes the less people will do it, especially “thousands of times”.

It is not misinformation, they talked about testing the new support hero during the French dev interview that got deleted, they also hinted about testing the new ranked system. Several times when they were talking they made it sound like there would be multiple beta’s not just two. Lots of reasons to think there was a third beta but I dont see a point to listing them all, you can find other posts about it.

The system works perfectly so we dont need resets.

Do you hate smurfs in your game? Let me just place my 5 GM accounts and stack with other GMs because omegalul we cant normally and feast on bronze->masters for a week.

The first 2 weeks would be unplayable for players under GM.

One GM or even high master player would absolutely destroy any unbalanced lobby of bronze->diamonds.

Well it’s 8:20am pst

Waiting for the clock to move faster.

Then how and why are you playing an online game? :thinking: