Is this system rigged?

every season my SR after placements gets lower and lower yet I’m consistently doing better (stats wise) every season…

my damage/aim/elims etc…
I went mostly heals for placements and was destroying the heals few games I had 20k plus yet I placed much lower than last season…

I don’t understand this system and hard work seems to be punished rather than rewarded…


Is the system rigged? No.

Season starting SR depends mostly on previous season ending SR. Not stats.

Hard work isn’t the most important thing. Effective work is. Get good. Win games. Rank up. Stats are only a small modifier.

See How Competitive Skill Rating Works (Season 12) for more details.

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Make a Smurf.

It’s too late to do anything about your SR now. Well it’s probably not, but unless you can really figure out what’s wrong, you’ll be stuck for ages.

That’s some terrible advice…

Well you got a better one?

Other than get better which every one is tired of hearing

Except it’s true? You don’t get better by playing Overwatch. You get better by playing the game AND looking at your gameplay for places where you can improve. If you honestly can’t/won’t do it, there are a number of professional Overwatch coaches that will gladly help you (that being said, there’s a price for everything $$$). You’re only limited by what you apply yourself to do.

How’s that for better advice?

Yes, the matchmaker system is rigged. If you pay attention you will notice loss streaks at predictable times. These loss streaks have nothing to do with the other team being better, but more of your teammates being incapable. You will then notice it flips after awhile, you will be placed against people who are obviously entire tiers below your level and you demolish them.

Let me know if you see this post and your opinion.

Other people are also getting better.

You need to improve faster than everyone else.
I dont hence ive dropped.
It is what it is.


Naw. The only time I ever touch plat is when I duo with a friend. He pretty much carries me their. If I don’t play with him I’ll fall back to my range of 2000-2300.

I even bought a alt account. Did my placements and was placed in gold.

Well I’m leveling up my Smurf. Not to troll though I’m actually playing.

If that doesn’t work then I’ll take your advice. I can’t carry, unless I’m doing that then I can’t climb. So I prefer to get a new SR and work from there

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No, the system is not rigged. Ignore your stats; they’re typically quite meaningless. The only thing that matters when trying to rank up is winning games.

It’s also important to keep in mind that the player base as a whole is improving over time. 2500 today is higher skill than 2500 a year ago. You need to improve faster than everyone else at your rank in order to rank up.

Tunnel vision is a heal of a drug. Stay away from Tunnel vision.

What is the highest rank you’ve ever been?