Is there anyone Doomfist answers to?

As it stands it seems as though Akande is the highest authority in Talon, even if they operate within a council, it would seem that he has at least three of the other council members in his corner (Even if Max would sell him out in a heartbeat) so is there anyone higher than Doomfist in the chain of command?

I wish this image was true.

Makes me think talon is a pawn in something else.


Possibly, we do know there is a more powerful but extremely mysterious “force” that is manipulating organizations like Talon (as hinted in the Sombra Origin Story video).

By the ways, I recommend moving this topic to the story discussion forum for better opportunity for discussion. (Click your pencil icon in your starting post to edit and change the category.)


there’s someone who’s just, directly linked to that force

and also linked directly to rein

WHO tf is that omnic and wot is their connection to rEin??

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He answers to me… Of Course. (his personal pet goldfish.)

I don’t think he does, at least not knowingly.