Is there a way to make trigger bot in workshop?

I know I have posted it already but I will copy for you again.
This is a funny special auto ult of Widowmaker from my Base defense game mod.

rule("Special Widow ULT on")
		Ongoing - Each Player;
		Team 1;

		Is Alive(Event Player) == True;
		Is Using Ultimate(Event Player) == True;
		Is True For Any(Is In Line of Sight(Event Player, Filtered Array(All Players(Team 2), Compare(Is Alive(Event Player), ==, True)),
			All Barriers Block LOS), Compare(Distance Between(Event Player, Current Array Element), <, 50)) == True;
		// this one can be removed
	    	Value In Array(Global Variable(PowerCenterArray), 0) == 1;

		Start Holding Button(Event Player, Secondary Fire);
		Set Player Variable(Event Player, T, First Of(Sorted Array(Filtered Array(All Players(Team 2), And(And(Compare(Is Alive(
			Current Array Element), ==, True), Compare(Distance Between(Event Player, Current Array Element), <, 50)), Compare(
			Is In Line of Sight(Event Player, Current Array Element, All Barriers Block LOS), ==, True))), Distance Between(Event Player,
			Current Array Element))));
		Skip If(Compare(Player Variable(Event Player, T), ==, 0), 5);
		Set Facing(Event Player, Vector Towards(Eye Position(Event Player), Eye Position(Player Variable(Event Player, T))), To World);
		Wait(1.500, Ignore Condition);
		Start Facing(Event Player, Direction Towards(Eye Position(Event Player), Eye Position(Player Variable(Event Player, T))), 20,
			To World, Direction and Turn Rate);
		Press Button(Event Player, Primary Fire);
		Stop Facing(Event Player);
		Wait(0.150, Ignore Condition);
		Loop If Condition Is True;
		Stop Facing(Event Player);
		Stop Holding Button(Event Player, Secondary Fire);

More info about me and my game mods you can find here.
Feel free to comment my ideas.