Is there a forum user

Somebody should summon me…

You’ll need a goat, someone who knows how to play the trumpet, and the back feather of a displeased eagle.

Crepsly is pretty chill


Omg I don’t know his/her name but that mercy main that has “positivity is key” as the signature.

Such a nice person. I think they left forums due to the negativity but I really enjoyed them while they lasted

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Consider your post history.


No comment lol.

Chile Anyways

opinion on a hero in a competitive videogame

Same here, I’m incredibly toxic XD

Same. I didn’t even realize people pay attention to usernames.

I gotta pay more attention on forums. There’s people I like but I only recognize them by Avi and tone. Was trying to figure it out by post history but too much work. Lmao

Personally I say what I want to only a filtered standard sp I dont get banned but aside from that I know how toxic i am and honestly, I just dont care anymore

WidowMeiker, the silent upvoter.

Also, I don’t have to bother looking myself up, because I know for a fact that I have been a jerk to players who I look down to.

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Forgive me for asking, but what was your profile name before you changed it? (I forgot, I’m sorry)

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Jeff Kaplan for sure :wink:

It was Bloggerman.

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Opinions on heroes weren’t what I was referring to, friend. There’s a reason why some people may have reacted poorly to some things you say.

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:v: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Nah, just you! …I’m very sure.

<3 Anyone with your icon has to be cool. :stuck_out_tongue: (I was sooo tempted to swap).


Relatable. Drive-thru worker Tracer is mine! (Ok, and like 3 other people’s… XD)

Also just realized I forgot Wabba. :open_mouth: We’re all glad he’s recovered from his Winky-Face brainwashing. … Unless he’s a sleeper cell. Oh god, it’s gonna be Widowmaker 2.0. ;_;