Is the Whole Ranked System Bugged Right Now?

So first and foremost, I was Gold 5 on Support, Silver 1 on Tank and Silver 4 on DPS before S2 ended. When I logged on in S3, my Tank and DPS ranks were the same but I was shown as and got rewards for finishing Silver 2 on Support. Then, when I went to check my ranks in my career profile, they were nowhere to be seen. Okay, kinda bummed, but not a huge deal.
Then I go into comp, where they show my ranks as the ones displayed previously. I think, “Alright, guess I’m Silver 2 now,” and decide to queue up to climb again. I go 5-3 in my games, and get a new placement. I ranked down into Silver 3. In addition, when I checked role select in the comp menu, ALL of my roles now display as Silver 3, with my Tank going down two tiers, and DPS up one. I closed and relaunched the game. All roles still show as Silver 3.
Is there some logic behind all this that’s backed by actual dev comments, or is this just one large bug affecting the game right now? Moreover, should I just stop playing comp until this is addressed?

A link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment.