Is the game getting any better?

I’ve been away from this game for a month, and i was hoping it could get better, or at least playable again at some point.
I heard about some updates to the game, but i don’t know if they were good.
Is the game worth playing again nowadays?

I think they are good .They are puting a lot of money in the game as wel.
You can see it in how much work its put in to it and the amount of new balanced heros and content.

The past patch was massive in terms of the characters touched. But most changes were negligible. I doubt much will change for you from then to when the update hits Tuesday. Personally, I feel you need to wait about 4 months before returning as there will be a new map, new character, an update or two… whatever. Or during an event if you like skins.

I personally believe the game is worth playing. But whatever made you quit a month ago is not likely changed.

I quit because of the changes that buffed reapers damage, i usually play tanks so you can probably understand my frustration.

The good news (for you, I am a Reaper that hates it) is they nerfed it down to 40%. That will honestly not change much for tanks; however, a lot of the other changes make playing Reaper much less favorable. You have Junk being able to two-shot Reaper now, they buffed Pharah and Torbjorn, and nerfed Lucio (a Reaper synergy pick). They also technically nerfed Zarya and then walked it back. Either way, my point is that a lot of characters that help Reaper are going to be played less. A lot of characters that hinder Reaper will be played more… and he was directly nerfed.

I imagine there will be a lot less than him and they have buffs planned for the future. So maybe the time to return IS now.

In terms of content not really. It’s still as stale as before. But the devs have been more active here on the forums and they made many balance changes on PTR

Everything on ptr is good.
When that hits live in a few weeks, the game will be noticeably better.

Good to know, i can finally get back to playing my favorite Hammer Wielding German.

Oh he got a HUGE nerf

If you leaving was mainly due to Reaper…then you’ll be fine since he’s been nerfed.
(Self-Regen from Damaged reduced from 50% to 40%)

The new hero Baptiste and the other changes are coming 3/19 so if you wanna jump back in, that would a good time to.

Baptiste seems to work well with Rein due to the Immortality Field, so you job may be a little bit easier.

Here’s a link to all changes if you haven’t checked. It’s a LOT of stuff though!
There are 5 in total, but only 3 of them matter a lot. The other 2 are mainly bugfixes and small changes to Baptiste’s abilities that are just appearance and sound.
I’ll just link the 3 and you can read the other if you want.

I’m curious to see if Doomfist will be back, that gets pretty miserable to play against.

tried after long break, didn’t like how game plays, the whole feeling isn’t there. maybe if they had like separate q for how it was in season 3, i think i would only play that. love the game but down deep i want it to die.

He’s been meta this whole time. Aside from cc getting toned down, specifically Doomfist and Brigitte, i don’t think much has improved for him. Bunker is whats getting buffed.

The new support does have an immortality field though, but his ult is also meant to combo with damage ults and range, not Reinhardt.

Brig is gone and Goats is leaving. I’m having fun.

Oh yeah, i’m comin back.

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