Is The Game Better Off Without Sombra?

Clearly she’s not your favorite if you can drop her because of a perceived “nerf”. Fake Sombra spotted.

Eh, I dropped Widow after they nerfed her into uselessness and did not pick her up until they buffed her again. She was not necessarily my favorite (that is Reaper); however, she was my main. If it drastically alters how he enjoys the character, why would he continue? Just because he likes the character? I like Winston. He is among my least played. Honestly, with triple tank dive, I am probably not going to play Widow for awhile again because I have to try, to some extent, not to throw based solely on a character pick. And if he feels as though he cannot perform on the level he used to with the nerfs, he is taking the responsible route.

How about hack for only health packs, turrets, shields (direct hack)
Boost damage and mobility
EMP only player skill hack?

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Hating an ability or some other game mechanic doesn’t support your argument that it should be removed.

I hate Tracer’s rewind and Genji’s deflect. It sucks so bad when I get Tracer’s HP down to 1 only for her to rewind. Or when I’m ulting as McCree and Genji deflects my bullet back to my head. But it doesn’t mean I want them removed.


Edit, those are mildly frustrating but not as bad as hack. I do want hack removed. You can like my reasons or not but I think the game would be better off without it and it seems I’m not the only one.

Think of it this way, the devs deliberately try to make each hero feel powerful because that’s the source of a lot of fun. Sombra makes heroes feel powerless and she can do it theoretically for 6 out of every 8 seconds. And because the hack time is so short, it’s very difficult to stop. In other words, she makes the game not fun.

well she was meta for like a week and then they nerfed her hella quick so

She never was meta. We had a week of hype, then everyone stopped playing her but were still crying for nerfs.


Or what about Doomfist’s insta-kill Rocket Punch? Or Rein’s insta-kill charge? Or Junkrat’s tire? Or Moira’s balls? Or Mercy’s res? Lots of abilities in the game give inconvenience to players, but that’s just the nature of a competitive environment.

The main reason why you want hack removed is because you’re annoyed by it? That’s a pretty shallow reason.


yes. and according to danteh, it was all the OWL pros whining to the devs before stage 3

None of those things have as profound an effect on character as often and as reliably as hack. That’s comparing apples to oranges. And no, an ability making a game not fun to play is the perfect reason to remove the ability. Games are supposed to be fun.

I think it might be worth testing hack as a debuff that reduced damage, healing, ability duration, ability distance, ability movement speed, ability hit points, ability debuff magnitude, and increased incoming damage and ability cast time.

You’d also want to kill the 2s cooldown on interrupt at a minimum.

I would not suggest pushing it unless it went over very well because that’d be a massive change but, I think that could cut the annoyance factor and make the effectiveness more even.

Sombra needs adjustments to be viable and not outright deleted.

She can be saved, but it might take another year or two for her to be looked at with the balance rates…

I’m giving up completely on Sombra. I’m a hamster main now.

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Let’s be honest, hacking characters never made much sense anyway. Soldier’s legs can be hacked even though they’re biological but McCree’s electronic arm can’t? Roadhog’s chain and gun can be hacked, but Zenyatta is barely affected?

Reaching a new low with this topic.

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I see where the OP is coming from. Sometimes, I find it really annoying when DPS shoot bullets at me and I die. It’s not fun to die, please nerf all the DPS and give them rubber bullets/projectiles that do no damage because I don’t want to play around those abilities.


While you are at it also remove all mobility, because it makes them hard to hit. I like it when i’m hitting my bullets. Missing is unfun.

Nice try, but the game needs shooting. It doesn’t need an ability which can render someone else’s abilities useless 75% of the time. It got along fine before it was introduced and it can again.

Why do we always have to be shooting at eachother?? How rude! Now, imagine a version of Overwatch where we can all run around with nerf guns, shooting eachother with foam, while not having to worry about annoying abilities getting in the way. Just pure, unadulterated, childlike fun.

It will be swell.

Maybe instead of hitting eachother with bullets and annoying abilities, we can wack them over the head with friendship sticks that will add them to our friends list, and hand out endorsements.

Yeah, I like your idea OP.

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Hack is literally the least oppressive CC in the game, and Sombra has the worst follow up potential out of any character with a CC, so I’m not sure why so many people single her out as being “unfair” or “unfun” to play against.

I think it’s unfun when I get stunned by Brigitte, or when a McCree flashes and fans me. I dread playing against a good Doomfist, because I know it’s going to be an entire game of me being knocked around. Yet I wouldn’t call for the removal of these characters or one of the key parts of their kits.