Is the Ana "buff" a nerf?

Nope, it’s definitely a buff. It will take some time to get used to it for sure but overall it’s a buff. Prehealing was nice, but most of the time it was just a waste of ammo. And really if you want you can still spam ammo at a person and with some luck it will land when they take damage. However people getting in your way we a constant issue, especially when going for some damage. I’m pretty happy about the change, though she still needs more!


Yes, it is indeed a nerf.

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It’s a nerf. Ana mains over 3kSR especially know that. She feels terrible, it’s a huge nerf. We’ve been asking for toggle since the PTR but no answers.

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I think the intention was good but the execution was lacking.

I’d rather have a repositioning tool to be able to shoot around my teammates than having to wait for them to take damage in order to be able to heal them.

It just feels wrong and if I shoot in a corridor where full health teammates are close to me and lower health ones are further down the corridor, I have no clue what I’m actually healing.

It feels very unsatisfying I’m afraid.


It’s a buff with a nerf(no prehealing).

4.2k peak on this account (hasn’t placed yet) and I have a 4400 peak alternate account where I play Ana.

I hated the changes at first, but my APM is noticably higher and im getting more healing and kills where it otherwise might have been blocked. I miss prehealing but the changes have helped a lot.

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Yep. It’s Buff and Nerf at the same time.

Her overall winrate went up by about 1.20% so i think this was a buff.
But the loss of pre heals make me feel it’s a side grade.
It’s probably the +4 ammo that i’d consider a buff if anything.

No it’s not, next question!

It’s a buff. And actually a very useful and huge one at that too. Unfortunately for you, no one CARES about your accuracy. And that preheal argument is total bullsh*t. It’s nowhere near as useful as most people bring it up.


Let me put it like this. Imagine if you could lock on to the person you want to heal as Mercy in a group, but now you can’t heal someone if they are full health.

Now if you heal someone and they go to full, you have to wait to heal them again. This would make it where it would be impossible to heal people in 1v1s for Mercy because she would keep losing the ability to heal. That is the Ana “buff”

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It defintively nerf.

It feels so worse playing Ana without pre-heal. There was no need for a trade-off, they could have still keep the pre-heal.

Totally unnecesarry the removal of pre-heal.


Preheal was an extremely minor thing which people here love to blow out of proportion. Plus it had a huge downside. The ammunition you were wasting on healing an already full HP target, forced you to constantly reload during your team’s time of need. Preventing you from fully utilizing your healing potential.

Simply because you were prespamming healing on a hero. The buff is significantly more important than this minor nerf it comes with.

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They were not a minor thing at all. I used them a lot aswell. It’s very unpractical without pre-heal.

Minor thing ? Maybe for you. We wouldn’t complain if it was a “minor thing”. It’s a nerf for good Ana mains.

oh right. So that’s why people like Gale love these changes. I guess 4400 Sr players are too stupid to figure out how weak ana’s become thanks to this hypothetical nerf.

good to know. Thanks for the clarification. That explains the rise in ana’s pickrate as well as a 2% increase in winrate after the nerf.


KarQ and FRAN also seem to like it.

2% ? All I can see is one month ago she had 46% and today she still has 46% of winrate. Moreover 2% means nothing since the winrate goes from 45 to 47 for months till today.

And even if it is relevant, you forgot the real buff of increased magazine size which actually help her a lot.

Of course some “pros” will like it. But the majority don’t.

Hmm. We lost “pre healing” ability, but now Ana can position herself to have many targets before her. For example, when my teammate duel enemy hero, i can shoot through his body when he is full to damage enemy and heal ally when he received damage.

It’s a buff. Huge buff. But we were used to this disadvantage for 2 years and it’s painful to break up with it (not for me), but it doesn’t mean that it’s a nerf.

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weren’t you the guy who said GOOD PLAYERS consider it a nerf? Then why do you check low tier winrates? Check GMs to prove your own point.