Is soldier good, or has he been powercrept out of being a decent pick?

Pretty sure she is calling you a clown since that’s the clown emoji, but I could be wrong.

it was super funny :100:



You potentially being called a clown is funny? Lmao K

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Other sustain metas existing doesn’t make it broken. Those strategies were niche strats until then, good for specific things. And that’s a perfectly acceptable place for stacking for sustain to be in.

Brigitte is the date you can point to where things were broken. And so you should be looking at the game’s patches after that point. Because that is when the game was last without creep. And when sustain vs damage was properly balanced


first of all, did not expect this much discourse. (although i did stir the pot a bit)
but tldr; soldier needs a minor spread reduction or some minor utility, and ashe/mccree/echo/other burst dps need a teensy nerf.

Triple and quad tank were the dominant meta strats by a wide margin in the sort “go this or lose” style that also existed with Dive and following metas. Those styles were the fast warning light that it might be possible to build a comp that just cant die to DPS and Brigg was the final piece of that. One last bit of sustain that allowed the comp to shift from needing real healing, in the form of ana, to having both powerful support ults to counter any silly attempts to play not GOATS.

During dive they were not. Which is what I am talking about. During dive, sustain vs damage were balanced.

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Tracer, Genji, and later on Widow were the t1. You COULD play Soldier in place of Genji early on and everything else was sort of just making a bad decision.

I loved Dive, its when I really learned OW instead of just playing it, but I do not know if I would call a meta where if you picked Torb, Junk, Reaper, Mei, Sym, Bastion, Hanzo, and near the end Doom throwing, the best balanced meta we have ever had.

Even right now, and I do not love this meta, the line between viable and not viable has never been closer. As a DPS I can pick McCree, Ashe, Echo, Widow, Hanzo, Torb, and Tracer and feel as though I did not take a significant drop off. That is half the roster that is at the viable threshold. For tanks I have it at around 6 who can pretty easily go and for supports just do not be Bap (I suspect Moira is also quite bad but not enough time has passed).

In terms of raw balance this is the most viable heroes we have ever had in OW even as a percentage of the pool.

He’s good but he can’t outduel an equally skilled widow, ashe, or mcree. Hence the problem with his pickrate. Obviously the duels will not be even at all times, but if the enemy has one of those 3 and only so and so on Soldier can take them out for w/e reason. welp

And yet most people don’t like the current overall powerlevel of heroes. :woman_shrugging:t6:

I, personally, feel he has never been better. Probably the strongest version of the hero with the weakest relative cast and no obvious counter meta picks in his way.

I think I could have said the same thing during dive. I suppose the meta is a zero-sum game after all. Those who play non meta heroes want to be in it, and those who do want to not be nerfed. Meanwhile everyone wants more heroes which just adds more possible heroes to take ones place in the meta.

Edit: not to mention that a lot of the tanks create methods of double barrier which are just annoying.

Soldier is literally one of the most powercrept dps and is ironically still out power crept by cree echo and ashe

His design is a little outdated but the real reason why he’s just bad over other heroes is a combination of his spread and his fall-off when competing with other overbuffed hitscans

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How’s his design outdated? If you mean basic I agree though.

His ultimate is hella outdated.

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True. It’s very blah compared to others

He’s a niche pick. Yeah, in certain situations he might be viable, but overall he’s not ideal.

Same with Junkrat. In the right hands, he can do wonders. Problem is, all those people with “the right hands” have left this game or otherwise moved to other, stronger heroes…

Power creep victim. They keep trying to buff him and Ashe to McCree/ Widow’s level even though it’s just adding to the powercreep without fixing any of the actual issues, mostly being that burst damage is always more effective than sustained damage even with armor out of the equation.


just not the case, supports and tanks are so much stronger and shut him down.