False reporting will also eventually get you banned.
“Starting a new account is not against the rules,” Papa Jeff says. “Boosting or throwing is against the rules. If you start a new account and play normally, the matchmaker determines your skill level very quickly and matches you with similar players.”
Right from papa smurf Kaplan himself.
Actually, they don’t rank up rather quickly, because the entire system is a giant quagmire of smurfs, throwers, and everyone has a shiny new “alt” account. And even if they’re not playing their “main” in a lower SR tier, they still have the higher ranked skillsets {IE: Situational awareness, mechanical skill, positioning). They can’t choose to be situationally dumb, or mechanically bad, or else it’s throwing, right?
So they ARE actually using higher tiered mechanical skills, situational awareness, and positioning to their advantage, which is on par with a higher ranked SR Tier, being used in a lower rank SR tier; ergo, akin to cheating, or at the very least a substantial advantage that players in lower tiers don’t have because… THEY’RE IN LOWER TIERS. And you claim it’s fair? It’s not fair at all lol.
iv read a post like yesterday, where Jeff kaplan said Smurfs are not reportable WTF. and that guy used to Claim negative things in the EQ forums and being toxic when he was a player, wow what hypocrisy he would never listen to us about smurfing unless if its possible to pay extra money to avoid smurfing actually IDM if they freaking do that. Hey i dont want to be a sh1thead but am F***** sick and tired of the balance and the smurfs in every F*** game
It’s a nice thought, but unlikely.
A smurf is only a problem if he plays ranks below his real rank, so the question is how does the person get to such a low rank? A new account will probably ranked at diamond if played from a GM and will be quick back up at GM if he’s using it as alt account but how are GMs alts end up on bronze-plat? Throwing and that’s a reportable offense
And to the person above Jeff said Smurf’s aren’t reportable but throwing to get to lower ranks IS indeed reportable. I also have a alt account but I play it the same way as my main, one for tank one for dps but I don’t throw in any way to get lower
So they are smurfs, not an alt account.
Alt account = Just a secondary account where people play normally, they will climb if they are better and fall if they are worse than their SR.
Smurf = Somebody who throws games to stay at a lower ELO. Stomps game A and then throws game B to stay at that low ELO.
And if they are better because they have these skills, they will climb out. Just like any other account that is better than their current. Unless they throw games, which is reportable and should be reported.
I never said it’s fair, I said it’s not cheating.
When you place at xxxx SR and you play normally, everything is fine. No matter if your new or an alt account.
If you place higher than where you belong, you will fall and quickly move out of that ELO.
If you play lower than where you belong, you will climb and quickly move out of that ELO.
When I first started playing Overwatch, I placed at 20 in season 1. I quickly climbed tot 65 or so, just by using basic FPS knowledge which I had from previous games. Does that make me a cheater, because I used situational awareness, mechanical skill and positioning? A skill I already had before playing Overwatch.
The only reason why smurfing is bannable is because in order to stay in that lower ELO, they have to throw games.
If you don’t need reports, why are there a couple of people been throwing then boosting for money and say so on the way up and down but are still doing it over a year later?
11 month old post!!! wtf!
So I can tell you one reason why a very exclusive group of people might throw games by leaving. If they leave, and they seem happy to do it, they are probably not doing it for friends, but for money. Most players will not tank SR to play with friends, they try to help friends reach their SR. If you are in Silver, you can play with Golds. If you are Gold, you can play with Plats, and so on. If your friend is 2 ranks above you, he probably has some pride in his rank and doesn’t want to throw it at all. This is why if someone is happily leaving games in the lower ranks Plat through Bronze, they are not tanking to play with friends, they are tanking to play with people they are training and getting paid to do so.
“Coaching” is the biggest cover for Smurfs, because you cannot say that it’s wrong to make someone better, but those coaches are not going to use their prized accounts to coach low level players. They have to get an account or make an account with a low SR (by throwing placements). Then if they still place too high, they will throw some more games so that they can play with whomever the need to coach. Now of course, you don’t pay coaches 20 bucks and hr, or whatever rate they charge, just to learn the game and not rank up. Basically “coaching” is a more ethical way to boost your SR, because you are going to be playing along side a player who is normally Diamond and above, and they will carry a significant amount of your games, but they can only play with so many clients at once. They will have to fluctuate their multiple accounts in order to get their clients into the next level, and so they might have a Bronze account, a Silver account, and a Plat account, and after getting their clients to promotions, will make sure they are lowered so that they are not too far from playing with other ranges. Even though Diamonds can play with Plats, and so on. It’s easier for the Coach to carry games if the matchmaker isn’t pairing you against teams with more higher leveled enemies. So it’s better if the client is in mid Plat, that the coach also be in mid Plat, because even though he can play with a mid Plat as a low Diamond, he’ll be making his job harder by pulling in Diamond enemies while trying to get you near your promotion, and if he’s climbing at the same rate you are, cause he’s playing with you, he’s going to keep moving up and up, and you are going to have to carry more and more of your weight, and the matches will be harder than normal high Plat games, and so it’s better if the Coach places himself at your same rank, or even a bit lower (cause he doesn’t care about getting promoted for his “coaching” account).
This isn’t the reason for all leavers, but there are leavers who boast about happily about leaving, saying “it’s my JOB to throw.” And yes, it’s quite literally their job.