Is PS5 getting an upgraded version of the game?

Is it forthcoming or not happening or still no official word? I searched online but could only find articles discussing how PS5 got snubbed lol I’m just wondering what the official position on PS5 is.

It’s coming, but probably not anytime soon

PlayStation did not set up their console firmware to allow upgrading their PS4 games to have performance features found on the PS5, Microsoft did. Here’s an article with a more in-depth explanation

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To make you feel better I thought the same with PS4/PS3, but it was years before games I wanted were available. (And even then there were “errors”.)

I honestly I been slowly moving to Xbox/PC only and there isn’t really anything of interest in the future I want that is PS5 exclusive.

Might even get the switch next after that. (Though with the amount of games I am going though… Nintendo will likely release it’s next console by then.) (Currently finishing Outer Worlds, having a good time.)

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I honestly hope they do upgrade the graphics, i think they will release it at some point overwatch 2 is far to be released.

Would be nice to see OW2 on it.

OW2 is definitely coming to PS5, I’m pretty sure they’ve already confirmed that. However since that’s next year, it would be nice to have OW get a PS5 release. I’m still hopeful they’ll surprise us, but I do wish they would just tell us one way or another if this is something that is definitely not happening.

It was addressed in the AMA. They have no plans at this time to optimize OW for PS5. Sorry, bro.

Oh rip that’s terrible news! I just found out about the AMA and started reading it, haven’t come across that post yet but thanks for the info.

No problem, if it helps, here you go: