Is Post-Role Queue Placements MMR Separate?

I’ve been trying to find the answer to this question to no avail. Does anyone know if a dev/rep has confirmed whether MMR is now separate or is it just SR?

SR gain/loss is based on hidden factors such as MMR so I don’t think they could separate SR without separating the additional factors too. I don’t know anywhere this is confirmed but it seems like it’s a bug if it’s not true.

I’d agree, but the lack of confirmation makes me wonder… They’re usually more forthcoming with that kind of thing.

SR has always been separate from MMR. They’ve already come out and said that SR is just a visual representation of MMR to make it into a more digestible number. Actually MMR is in a scale of like 0 to 3. Or -3 to +3. Something like that.

Here is the recent statement:

It is consistent with Jeff’s older statements, that MMR is used for matchmaking, and SR is not. For a more complete summary of the current rules, see How Competitive Matchmaking and Rating Works (Season 18).

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Well, yes, that’s exactly why I’m curious to know if it’s been stated that each role has separate MMR now.

Yes. That statement was made earlier in the video (00:10:00).

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Thank you. For anyone who may see this in the future, @ 7:45 is where Jeff talks about separate MMR, and @ 11:15 is where Jeff talks about long term tracking and banhammers for people throwing in particular roles.