Is Pharah going to be dead next patch?

Yeah pretty much… She has always been a high risk, high reward (if you can make it work) sort of hero as she has so many direct counters. So nothing is really going to change about her role.

If you notice the other team is running a very heavy ground control sort of comp a player can still swap to pharah and break the team in half unless the enemy swaps heroes around. Yeah ok maybe S76, McCree and Mei are going to be better counters but someone still has to be play those heroes to be the counter.

forcing the dps on a team to shift away from the burst ground control or tank heavy line up that is making problems for your team.

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Nice! Too bad it won’t make a difference really. Barrage is gonna end up with you dead after saying ‘justice’ 95% of the time unless you are getting sextuple kills with it every time. I’ve only gotten ONE sextuple kill in 380 hours on her lol.

And any Pharah player knows to reload before making their final pre-barrage dive so they can do the single shot then instantly barrage so they’d have 5 out of 6 rockets anyway if they were to survive.

It’s a good thing nonetheless though, am happy she is getting something after 1 and a half years of nothing (even though it’s not actually directed literally at her as you say)

One can only hope. She’s not terribly fun to play against, and I imagine the tired, old Pharmercy combo must be boring to play as, too. Plus, she forces people to pick heroes they may not want to play/are not good at. Isn’t that the same complaint I’ve seen for Brigitte? :stuck_out_tongue:

Why everyone is begging for buffs and reworks ? Is that a trend ?
Devs shouldn’t have started to rework some heroes because now, people seem to know that word only.
And buffs. Yeah, answer a buff by another buff, then Pharah’s buff will have to imply tank buff because they can’t do anything, then anti tanks buffs because reasons.
Yeah guys, congrats, that’s how you build a game full of nonsense and powercreep.

People usually complain about the game state atm. But that’s just the consequence of whiners on forums.
Keep going guys, ask for buffs and reworks. You got it, you are just making the game worse each time you do that.

Why isn’t this a thing yet? Perhaps one of the best changes I’ve seen suggested.


She’s not fun to play against, but she’s also incredibly niche so I can see the next patch pushing her into Bastion levels of usefulness

Niche? I see her practically all over the place. I can’t believe for a second that she’s niche in any realm other than Masters/GM, maybe high Diamond.

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It’s not talked about, but it’s probably the number 1 reason why Pharmercy exists. Because Mercy and Ana were the only reliable healers for Pharah, before Brigitte came out) so you HAD to run Pharmercy if you wanted Pharah to survive because most all of the other healers can’t reach her. Moira generally can’t, Ana has to take her focus off the teamfight and her surroundings to look up in a scope (not to mention her grenade doesn’t benefit Pharah either), zen orb only does so much and it disappears a few seconds into line of sight break, lucio can’t heal her either.

It’s compounded by how NONE of your team’s barriers or shields are protecting the Pharah either so that makes her need even more healing than the average squishy

She’s niche because once you pick a hitscan it’s basically over for her because she’s really easy to shut down unless your in lower ranks like gold and below weird they don’t have the best aim so Pharah and Pharmercy reign supreme. That and their was only one healer before Brigette that could reliably heal her.

I like the idea of converting 50 health into armor.
This way she can still be a highly valuable character to keep topped off.
Damage fall off is basically getting reworked in the favor of Pharah’s counters, and Mercy is getting a healing nerf. Armor should mostly compensate for the damage fall off changes.

(Also makes sense thematically)


Yeah i hope so. Pharah is so toxic.

Zen is fairly reliable for Pharah too.

Still not seeing proof of any future Pharah changes. That link to Wrecking Ball didn’t mention Pharah. WB’s guns have a fall off range of 15-20m. Pharah can easily beat that and pound WB with rockets.

Sooooo where’s this Pharah nerf you are all talking about?

As far as I remember she is not getting nerfed, are you that useless without a pocket healer?

All hitscan are gonna do more damage at range, and Mercy is going to heal Pharah 1/6th less.

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I love both of these ideas, especially fast fall!

I sure hope so. I’m so sick of pharah

Console players won’t mind a whole lot. Shes a struggle on there.

Then get high ground and use cover more often.

I think the next big patch will be a major nerf to the Pharmercy strategy as a whole! Which is fine, since it seems to be a nightmare to deal with on console.