Is pharah a good hero?

PC 18 charactersssss

Didn’t pharah just get a buff?

As a tank I WANT HER DEAD SHE IS NOTHING BUT A PAIN IN NECK (huh caught ya blizzard bot) when the person who picked dps doesnt know how to play hitscan. But in general you can still play pharah against hitscans if u play the corner peeking game and comm with ur team when ur gonna ult
put resources in to dps ==> they pop off
dont put resources into dps==> they do damage that is not much

Depends on the Pharah, I don’t get off Pharah unless there are 3 hitscans. Or 2 plus Zen. :stuck_out_tongue:

i’d say she’s actually really good.

maybe in higher ranks she falls in the category bastion is in, amazing at low ranks but at higher ranks practically useless?

i’d even say in some instances she is overpowered though but not so much that it needs to be nerfed.

You forgot Brig, Brig counters the Universe.

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Who plays console ? PCMASTERRACE

Depends on how good the enemy team’s hitscan are

She is a bad Hero, badly designed unhealthy for the Game . She was ok at the release when she couldnt fly all the Time, just needed a bit of a Tweak because she had a hard Time against Hitscans when she was Flying.
But Blizz in all its wisdom then decided, let her fly forever and make the problem even worse as it is wich ends in Hitscan beeing a must pick or get bombarded forever without a chance to fight back.

Being able to hit her, doesn’t make them a counter. Those in this case it may.

I haven’t tried baps vs pharah. I’ve player a lot of PTR as baps WITH a Pharah. Field + Pharah ult is funny.

I didn’t say that. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes, kind of.

She got a small buff to the splash damage only on her rocket (something like increased by 3.5 dmg or something.) But at the same time, Soldier is being buffed, Mcree was recently buffed last year (along with soldier as well) as both of their falloff was reduced.

Then there is Reaper. Sounds silly, but last year his shotguns were tightened in spreads (resulting in longer range) and now his self-heal is insane, making him even a threat to Pharah in short to mid-range fights.

Hanzo was insanely buffed last year, then dialed back the tiniest bit, but the speed of his projectiles stayed the same resulting in him almost shooting like hitscan at mid-range.

Now to auto-aim turrets: Symmetra’s are now throwable, which is actually a huge annoyance anywhere there is a wall/roof (Busan Meka, Anubis point B, Nepal Sanctum, etc) and Torb turret was buffed when he was re-worked. Also, 1000hp B.O.B.

ALSO on PTR: Mercy’s damage boost changes will most likely lead to another nerf to the Pharamercy technique. And now Baptiste is coming online-- just another hitscan potential in the enemy team.

Overall Pharah is in a worse position for PC gaming than possibly ever.

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Pharah and especially pharahmercy is anterrible hero design

She’s still very strong on koth maps. Only when paired with a Mercy though.

Wasn’t even a buff, it was a REVERT, she is getting literally 3 damage back on the edge of her minimum splash which is insulting considering how much help she’s needed for so long now.

Splash damage nerf and splash boop nerf were mistakes…


I’m looking forward to testing the new Boop mechanics against Orisa and Dva… Dva especially. It would be nice to be able to boop her away more consistently.

I posted in another Pharah thread recently about potential buffs/changes I’d like to see. I can copypasta here and maybe i can get some thoughts from others:

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Shouldn’t be anything more than that. An Annoyance. Most of the time the turrets will be placed very close to each other and you’ll destroy them in a single shot (Or at least that’s what usually happens when i play Pharah against Symm)

Very, very rarely do I find this to be case. Usually, that’s only when they send the TP turret bomb thing they do. Otherwise, its 1 shot each, with a reload time of 0.9 seconds between each shot.

Basically, yea 3-4 seconds of finding and dealing with symm turrets, during which symm herself or anyone else can also focus me. Its not game-breaking. But the combination of her new turrets, Torb turret, BoB, soldier ult-- all of those auto-aim things have further tipped the balance away from Pharah in the overall sense.

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Buff to those that can aim projectile, nerf to those that relies on splash.

And guess where the forum mostly lies. Seriously, most Plat Pharah I ran into never actually track her rocket, just spam them in some general direction and hope to get some kills with the old bigger splash.

Current Pharah put more emphasis on aim, prediction and tracking. I have had successful games with new Pharah but since Mccree just got buff it is not worth it to play her.

you might wanna wait for her to get a buff in that case. ]