Is OW2 a hit or a miss?

6v6 was boring.
We were all just used to play with two tanks, but it was just unhealthy.
Tanks are not as strong as they are now, sure, but the difference was not so much, and there were two of them.
Half of the heros were just ultimate-farming bot.
70% of the game was shooting on shields.
It was just a 2 v 2 between tanks, with 2 minions and 2 supports.
If it was the most busted role of the game no one wanted to play tank and queues were eternal.

Now the game is more dynamic, picks are more valuable and even if tanks are like raid bosses at least is just one of them and not two.

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Depends, great potential, pulled in a ton of players, but struggles at keeping people playing, because of slow updates that don’t address major balance issues, and just in general the community having no idea what going on, and what the look forward to.

That and they’ve had the last 6 months to add things to entice people onto the Support Role, and they’ve done almost nothing besides adding Kiriko.

As far we can tell, its a success.

OW2 has much more players than OW1 and still looks decent in Twitch stats.

imo, OW2 gamedesign is better than OW1. Its not hard, right ? But still, I feel the game gets better and better, it just take a lot of time. Devs are taking very little steps and tbh, OW1 was such a mess, it’s not possible to solve everything at once.

The biggest miss is about Skill Rating system which looks weird and devs didn’t explain it soon enough.
The other big failure is that people expected a lot and OW2 could feel “lazy”, probably because of Covid and rushed development (and again, because OW1 was such a mess).

Fail from the communities POV, hit from the shareholders POV/devs.

I think pass/fail, 50/50 in season 1, s2 prolly 40/60. Make or break it will prolly be season 3 since that wont have any new heroes.