Is OW2 a hit or a miss?

What do you think?

Is the game a succes or a massive fail?

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In it’s current state it’s 100% a miss.

Mediocre content. Poor balance. Bad queue times. Bad MMR.


I definitely wouldn’t call the game a success, so yeah probably a miss imo


Publicly? A miss.
Financially? A hit.

That’s pretty much the best way to describe it.

Too concerned with how to milk the most money out of everybody to worry about the quality of the game itself….which at the moment is a big miss


Success for the shareholders. Failure for the playerbase. But hey, every franchise has to cash out sooner or later…

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Since the original point of OW2 was to be the “PVE Expansion” I was hyped about… It’s a 100% miss


I said all along that i like 5s better and that is still true.

I dont like push mode though and there are some other reasons for me to say its been a bit of a miss.

I would have quit ow1 if they didnt switch to 5s though. I had enough of that game

Hit or miss?
I guess they never miss, huh.

It felt right, I apologize to no one.

It made money but OW2 is certainly still a miss.
Bad reputation, bad gaming experience, losing more players than it can replace. The correct term would be to call it a cash grab. It’s a “success” for Blizzard and investors in only the short term. Now that the game holds barely any relevance and pissed off a vast majority of it’s past players with its failures I’d argue that there is no financial future for OW in the long term.

Its a cashing-out grab. They want to see if the Ip is still profitable. If not, they will abandon it and put it on maintance mode.

It wasn’t a massive success or an outright failure. It won’t win game of the year, but it also DID inject much needed life into Overwatch.

To me its the biggest failure in gaming


Miss they meesed it up i really would rather go back to Ow1

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It depends on your perspective. I would have no problem recommending OW2 to someone who has never played it before. There are obviously caveats there, but the core gameplay is still pretty unique and worth trying for anyone who might be curious about it. You might not play it very long, but you can definitely get many hours of enjoyment out of it as a first time player.

However, I think it’s obvious that anyone who played OW1 will be disappointed in OW2 eventually. Many aspects of the game are just objectively worse – progression, ranked system, matchmaking, the shop, seasonal events, MAP POOLS, etc. The things that are sometimes seen as improvements really come down to personal preference, rather than being clear improvements. And just because you like something for a month when you first try it doesn’t mean you’ll like it for 6 years like you did in OW1.

I also really dislike the F2P model, as companies have shown many times they cannot be trusted to make an actual completed game with this model. F2P games are almost always half-finished messes that are sold to players as “a great foundation to build on.” Sorry, I prefer something I can actually play over something being promised in the future by a company that has every incentive to lie about that.

And deleting OW1 is really unforgivable. One of the best games ever made, and you just can’t play it anymore.

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Just watch again the video trailers of few years ago.
They worked for like 6 years to a game, cutting the support on OW1 for half of its life.
But they promised:

  1. New balance changes and reworks to solve the most addressed problems of OW1 from the community:
    → They reworked bastion (very good) and Orisa (none asked for that but still a interesting work). Every other toxic design suffered by the community was totally ignored. New game, same exact problems.

  2. They promised new maps and also maps with multiples ways that randomly open up game per game increasing the variety.
    → They introduced map rotation per season actually reducing the maps pool. Nothing else.

  3. They promised new heros.
    → They released 4 new heros. But heros being sold with the battlepass are intentionally overpower and disgustingly busted to sell better the battlepass for the whole season. New heros as a tool to sell more. In season 4 there will be no release of a new hero already.

  4. The core of OW2 should have been its new PVE mod. A whole new game existing side by side with the normal PVP mod.
    → This PVE mod still does not exist. Everyone was thinking it would had been released with the launch of OW2. Instead it will be released later this year, after at least 8 month form the launch of the “new” game. Still there are no info about how long and complete it will be and seems that probably they will start releasing a short chapter and slowly add contents in the future.

IDK. Honestly i feel a bit disappointed.
At least I am one of those who consider 5v5 an improvement and not a malus.

:+1: thats great, may I ask why you consider it a improvement?

A mix of both. From raw gameplay alone its actually managed to bring a lot of people back, but theyre also mismanaging the game so badly right now that it barely matters.

It’s a failure and many people who are still playing are just coping and hoping the game will magically improve in time. Also it’s a failure because it was a literal laughing stock for a good while and is now toiling away in obscurity.

“VIVA LA VIDA~!” This castle was surely built out of sand.