Is OW fundamentally flawed?

does this also explain the horrendous losing streaks you’re on when solo Qing? it’s not uncommon to just win 1 out of 10 games

short answer: yes

Too many variables and play styles.

Lack of experimentation to seek out something better.

Yes, Overwatch and Competitive Play in particular are fundamentally flawed. The flaw that I have pointed to is algorithmic handicapping of ranked competitive matches, which makes the ladder completely dysfunctional:

Most of the issues are a result of players making poor choices, such as choosing to selfishly ignore team chat, choosing to throw a match, or choosing to cheat on a smurf.

The game itself is great. It’s just players like the above that ruin it for everyone else.

The meta of the forums is to complain about stuff rather than just getting good.
I mean people think anti is op even though there’s 10 different ways to counter it.

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