Is Overwatch purposifly mismatching players to lower winrates?

As far as i know we have no real evidence for either side so it boils down to faith.
Do you have faith in them to say they wouldnt lie on this for any reason?

I used occams razor in that example, and this is not the only reason why I trust the matchmaker. And a company lying to their customers is less likely than them telling the truth.

the evidence is that people can and do climb, and this makes perfect sense with the matchmaker that the devs have described, and the conspiracy theory mm cant work like that.

Why do you think you get steamrolled for 3 matches in a row then suddenly you see the other side’s best players be swapped to your team and you win and steamroll other people for 3 matches in a row?

It’s fixed and rigged, it wants you to stay at 50% winrate as close as possible


Now I understand why anti-vaxxers exist.

Why the toxicity? :thinking:

Why the assumption of toxicity? I just thought it was funny.
I don’t understand why everyone on the forums seems to think every conversation is a yelling match lol.

The MM system is broken, but not that way. It’s not that it on purpose makes mismatches, it’s just that it’s programmed to simplified to take important things into equation. It’s programmed to match quickly, and as such has very few parameters to match up with each other.

This is why you get somewhat horrible one sided matches a lot of times, the system isn’t taking any skill into the equation, nor even tries to take it into the equation.

I liked your post.I find myself in a similar position do i want to have fun or do i want to rank up?

I have 2 accounts both placed at mid gold that tells me the sr /mmr thing is working as intended.So now i have the luxury to use one of them playing whatever i want and the other to try and rank up.

But if i want to play whatever i want i can just queue qp.So now i am in the phase where i dont even care for my alt account i just want to try and rank up.

My second account is now useless to me.

Time schedule is busy so i 've only have few games played but now i am in a mentality where i am willing to fill and try help the team win no matter what i am playing.

I am curious to see if your willingness to flex for the team can boost your sr or not.Normally me playing anything but my main should cause me to start falling like a rock so if i actually climb then it will mean the system favours flexing.

Am also curious whether picking heroes suitable for each map ups your mmr or not.Like playing dive heroes on king’s row second part paylod to touch or gibraltar first part.

Now the only thing i wish for and i ve said this before is for a way to be able to see a hero rating for your teammates.

Like even a simple help as the name of the teammate or lets say we give colors like in dota 2 for each teammate above the hero icon.

So above each hero a small coloured line will show which one of the strangers has the best mmr on that hero.

Hell it could be all heroes blue if you have a smurf on blue so be it.Or it could go beyond that and have colors in ascending order.That would a nice quality of life change.

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Its the fault of every single person who doesn’t respect sightlines or have the awareness to naturally do so.
It is not a single players fault.

That’s a totally new “counter” i have never heard mentioned before. There are probably better options.

That does take some legit skill. Respect.

Yet your go-to counter was just expressed as hanzo, a projectile dps. Mixed messages there…

Good advice in a 1on1 scenario and as a general rule of thumb, but dependent on the rest of both teams comps, the map, and point on that map.

Both work against hog or phara just fine with some coordination.

Even still, those stubborn players are not being put on your team soley because the matchmaker is “trying to bring you down”

Try different communications tactics rather than making demands for others. Instead just do what’s needed; while making teammates aware of what you’re doing “I’m going soldier to deal with phara, we’ll need an offtank.”

“I’m focusing hog! Hog hog hog”

People will rally behind someone saying what they’re doing and providing focus. Certainly before rallying behind someone telling them what to do.

One tactic I’ve used before is, as rein on a slow push comp. “That widow is a problem. Want me to go widow and try to counter?” Nine times out of ten, someone will jump in, “thats a terrible idea! I’ll go deal with her.”
(I know it’s a bad idea for me to swap, but it goes smoother than “hey dps, its your job to hunt the widow!!!”)

You know, maybe since this topic is posted everyday, and a lot of people have similar excercises like OPs, maybe just maybe there is something to it?

I receive a complaint of “the printer is broken again, WhY HavEnt wE BouGhT a NeW OnE?!?!” every other day.

Only thing to it is the fact that people are generally too lazy to take the time and identify the real problem. - It’s just out of paper…

Repeated opinions =/= facts.

People being able to climb does not counter these theories, it just prooves that the system is not perfect.

“Just because i have a picture of a bunch of fat africans that does not mean there are no hunger in Africa.”

I believe what they’re implying is:

Depending on how you take into account leavers (for the moment i will ignore this) then every match has exactly 6 winners and 6 losers (or 12 players in a draw). While individuals are statistically unlikely to have exactly a 50% winrate over the course of time, the average across all players will be exactly 50%.

However this is not true if you factor in leavers. While statistically the team with the leaver is more likely to lose, there are exceptions now and again (probably more common if someone from the winning team DC’s by accident) which will skew the result ever so slightly.

Due to the devs trying the goddamm best in hiding as much info on the matchmaking as possible even what you stated can be false.

Without countering evidence repeated opinions can be facts.

These theories cannot exist with people being able to climb, since they say that everyone gets forced into a 50% or lower winrate.

Thats not the same. In africa, the goal for all helping organisations and governments is to eliminate hunger. In overwatch, the matchmakers goal is only to put you in a fair match, which its already really good at(unless you have the hard stuck mindset). Its not 100% correct every time, but its not the same as the mm being rigged.

I know this isn’t meant to be serious but actually that’s exactly what the matchmaking system is doing, or how else do you explain people are on 500SR+ losing streaks?

If you flip a coin 10 times, you’re not always gonna get 5 heads and 5 tails.

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the same way you explain 500SR+ win streaks…its just RNG…sometimes you win…sometimes you lose…sometimes you win a bunch in a row…sometimes you lose a bunch in a row…

but there isnt something dictating that you MUST stay here!

Edit: RNG is not the right term to use there…i just meant that outcomes are not dictated…and you have 2 possible ones every game…sometimes it doesnt go in your favor

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Well I think the system mixes you with “bad” team mates against better ones in the enemy team to see if you’re supposed to climb higher or not.

And sometimes it just keeps doing so over and over again and that’s when you lose several hundred of SR, I never gained as much SR in a row as I lost.

They can, no system is perfect not even the rigged ones. There were various old posts back on the old forums about how to trick the matchmaking algorithms to keep your mmr stats low while still progress further.

A suicide with wasting an ult into nothing just before the end of the match still gets counted in and will give you lower overall points supposedly what forces the matchmaker to keep you in the winning side. How true this is, i honestly dont know but having these kind of theories popping up usually mean that there are some awfully sketchy thing going on.

In the end its up to Blizzard to do something but they dont want to further empowering these ideas.