Is OverWatch 2 Going To Be As Good As We Think?

You have a really harsh opinion for a game (expansion) you only saw alpha footage of

That sounds great,it also adds diversity with what builds are used.For example a Rez oriented Mercy build is not going to be great on low difficulty since people don’t die,but it’s amazing when there’s a high chance people are gonna go down and you might get snowballed

Honestly I’d rather just buy the same game again 5 years later with some substantial upgrades than have them add a bunch of microtransactions to the base game to continue supporting it

One thing though is that Bungie is now free of activision so we can see how much of the problems were due to activision making poor choices. I already know the lack of story in D1 was due to the lead writer refusing to cut the story up into micro transactions so they basically muted it all for a while year. In the next installment we can see how much bungie is capable of. I’m excited it will be the first game company coming from under control of activision hopefully to return to former glory.

Yeah, so far I haven’t been too impressed by Bungie w/o Activision (I still think it was the right thing, but it wasn’t the silver bullet a lot of us hoped for), but there are some leaks floating around that might change my view. We’ll see.

Ya that’s true. Also it could be a game that has just developed such a bad stigma that bungie may never recover fully from it. I think the product of destiny 1 before D2 was really nice but so much negative press had hurt their chances at a larger community. This is pretty much what is happening with OW right now. They have driven off their hardcore community in exchange for a casual community who is just wanting to have everything made easier for them and that has pushed away people to other games. Even if OW2 is good will it actually bring this game back to its former glory?

Who is talking about Micro-steals?

When OW-1 was released on 2016 that should have by default CAMPAING-PVE mode then some updates 2016 to 2020 for 60 DOLARS.

So blizzard on 2016 release product is not even complete for 60 BUCKS then on 2020 they try to sell you for another 60 dolars the campaing mode was missing since 2016 and you say “Im ok paying that”

Well if you enjoy to be SCAMED is your money toss that to the WC if you want. I will not BUY OW-2 because the quality of the prodcut is “POOR” is not even beating l4d2, WWZ, Borderlands so why i should pay money for a inferior product…

Show me a product is beating l4d2 in terms of FUN, QUALITY and Re-playablity then we talk…

this guy gets it!!!

No it should’t,Overwatch 1 released as a PvP game,OW2 became a thing because people (like me) asked for PvE

I’d rather pay 60$ every 5 years than constantly have to buy DLC

Also the fact that it’s a 4 year old product still riddled with bugs. Look at noobhunters daily videos and most of them are bugged game play. Kind of sad that a game from blizz with an esport has so many bugs you are guaranteed to see atleast one daily even more if you play at high level game play due to the rising chance of longer sustained team fights.

Keep “White-Knigthing” all you want blizzard for users like you is the reason they keep releasing low quality products.

Even PvP-ONLY games have a story-mode

  • Street FighteR V
  • Mortal Kombat

But oh NO “Blizzard” should not release PvE CONTENT on AAA game. is like “Prz” just go on your kneels and lick jeff kaplan shoes at this point.

When the ALPHA of OW-2 was released 99% of the users on this forum was saying that will be a SCAM is a DLC more than a new game and during 2 weeks everyone was saying that will be low quality product

My best wishes for you and the other 3 players will be playing OW-2. Have fun playing an archive missions +1

I’m not White Knighting I’m being rational,you’re the one trash talking a game you never played.How in the world is a big DLC after 5 years a scam I have no idea.

I do agree that calling it a new game while it’s just an expansion is much but still

Do you want OW-2 be a TOTAL hit and sell 50M of copies like the 1?

  • Graphics next gen based on SERIES-X & PS5. A new graphice engine that uses 10 teraflops as base with compability for 1080p/144hz/240hz/360hz monitors and solid 4k/60FPS

  • 8 campaings BEATING L4D2 on every single thing. “12 special infected enemies”, “Hordes of enemies are fun to kill”, “Normal mode” & “Realism mode without lines over the items”. A massive re-playability campaings with 3-4 alternative ways to follow. Tanks are on pair with l4d2 Moded-Ones

  • Versus mode 6 heros vs 6 “Special enemies”

  • Versus mode like WWZ TDM, TDM VS PVE, KoTH gears style then all the MODES, MAPS & CHAMPIONs FROM OW-1.

Releasing OW-2 as a new product that will have CROSS-PLAY between OW1-OW2 even carrying your rank over the game. So you will have a massive PvE exp and graphic upgrade for your PvP modes.

I will be the first one on the line PAYING 60 bucks for a game like this not a “Copy-Paste” DLC thing

Well for starters no matter how little or much time the team spends on developing content for OW it is atoll low quality. Why do some hero’s still have the same bugs they have had since release? Why do they have to rework some hero’s 4 times and possibly more to get them to be viable. Why do they allow griefers/cheaters to accumulate in mass quantities every year before finally doing a mass ban wave just to have it back to the same problems again after a few weeks. Why do they lack base elements like clan/ scoreboard/ hero bans for players.

My new favorite how did they spend almost 6 months working on echo for release just to have her be an OP mess? It’s pretty obvious they have very low standards for what they deem playable and good content since so many things they release are either bug ridden or busted from the start.

You’re just making a list of features in other games that wouldn’t work in Overwatch and then complaining that Overwatch doesn’t have them

Echo is nothing nerfs can’t fix

For whatever reason they want clans to be bigger than they need to be,they want them to be a huge system across all Blizzard games.But I’m an OW player don’t care about having clans with WoW or Diablo players

There used to be one,they removed it long ago for reasons

also why does team 2 have no healing

Personally I don’t want this

Well I have not seen anything that would make me believe that IS going to be good at all. We have not seen:

  1. Any new maps.
  2. Any new heroes.
  3. Any new balancing information.
  4. Any innovative AI that would lead me to believe that it would be rewarding to run anything more than once of twice…
  5. Information concerning what heroes can be played in the story missions. If it isn’t all then it’s BAD.
  6. Micro transactions moving forward, there will be plenty i am sure.

I am sure that I am leaving a few off the list. Blizzard has a whole lot of explaining to do before I jump to any conclusions at all. As it stands right now I am not buying anything.

Mind the fact this was made around Blizzcon so this is why is shows Echo.Also if you mean map gameplay we saw gameplay on Toronto

lists are not information… one whole map, oh gee take my money… nope

Ya echo will get nerfed but the fact that they had twice as much time to release each yet made her about what brig was on release is a joke. It’s like a teacher giving a student twice as much time for the same lazy effort on their work.

Scoreboards will not make toxicity worse or less it’s human nature.

If blizz is not going to properly balance the game then let the players do a better job for them.

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