Is Orisa`s realod time really justifed?

Making what up? Orisa has a constant spread angle of 1.35 degrees. I know some people like Soldier and Bastion have spread ramp-up, but their max spread is higher than Orisa’s.

For her entire team he he.

Which you can avoid. Soldier’s spread takes 0 sec to recover.

Tracer with infinite ammo and 50% more damage…

I shudder at the thought :no_mouth:

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Sure, we’ll go with that. She still has one of the smallest spreads in the game, behind the safety of a barrier.

She oftenly runs too far and looses the effect of supercharger, i would be scared more about Junkrat or Soldier honestly.

Smaller than whom? Tracer? Sombra? Shotguns?

Smaller than all of those, Wrecking ball as well. Tell me if I’m wrong, but I’m sure it’s the smallest constant spread in the game!

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Of course it is, it SHOULD be smaller than those. God you don’t even realize the sarcasm

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I literally jump over or duck under the bullets orisas firing at me shes lucky to land even 1 if she has my full attention. I even say hello while I’m jumping around and teabag while shes reloading if shes alone.

I think that Orisa has a problem if they can’t hit more than 1 bullet when she shoots 12/s. What about halt! ?

Maybe thats a console specific thing?

Spoken like someone with a private profile and no hours on Orisa.

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Picking up your profile weapon when you have nothing to support yourself, huh? Alright bro, think whatever you like, I don’t care. I can never persuade those who can’t figure out things simple as that. I’m done.

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I don’t mind the long reload, but I wish you could deploy shield during reload without cancelling it. It’s deployed from a different arm and would allow her to do more than watch the screen helplessly for 2.5 seconds at a time.


You met some really bad Orisa then lol, crouching is defently not helping if a player have reaction at least faster than a sloth, and jumping won`t help against halt ether.

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Wrecking Ball’s spread is smaller than Orisa’s. He doesn’t really have any spread. Her spread isn’t bad though. I don’t have a problem with her current spread.

According to the Overwatch Gamepedia, Wrecking ball has ~2 degrees of spread. He definitely has spread. Either way they’re both quite similar.

The hell it is, good Orisa’s are absolutely lethal with that gun, it’s probably the best weapon in the class.

huh… yeah, I see that. It doesn’t feel that way to be honest. When I play him, it doesn’t feel like there’s spread. Maybe it’s because he’s hitscan that’s throwing off my perception?

Either way, I stand corrected. He does have some apparently.

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Yeah, you probably don’t notice it as much since its hitscan and you can’t really see where your shots are landing, unlike Orisa!