Is my Top 500 Sleuth (S1 Comp Mystery Heros) gone forever?

Or at least unless I place Top 500 again this season? I’ve only ever really played competitive Mystery Heros. I figured I would get to keep the title from the last season.

I realize a lot of people are having bugs with player titles right now. I am too. But I’m asking if I’ll even have my ‘old’ Top 500 Sleuth title when these bugs are fixed?


Competitive titles are seasonal and expire the season after you earned the title has passed. There is however a bug that allows players to keep their titles after the launch of a new season if the title is not unequipped, but yes, unequipping your title will cause you to permanently lose it.

Edit: This bug has been fixed and you are no longer able to keep a seasonal title by leaving it equipped before the launch of a new season. For those experiencing other issues regarding competitive, please check out the competitive bugs megathread here:

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