Is MMR bugged? Matchmaking hell

I would really like to get some sort of official answer (if possible) whether match or player MMR has been broken in some way, so far in all my games since last week I have been placed with new players, silvers or golds while playing support and I’ve managed to actually get to 20 losses without winning a single match.

I’ve gone from Master 3 on support to Platinum 2, and I honestly can’t tell you how increasingly vexing it is that things happen in matches that are out of my control, because the people I am placed against on the enemy team are diamond+ players who continue to completely destroy my team.

I’d like to add that this is solo queue, so there is nobody from a lower elo I am bringing into the game that could set this off.

I’ve kept count and I’ve lost a total of 43 games now, where 23 were in a row. For some reason the game keeps matching me with lower teams that drag my MMR down.

That can’t be right.
And it seems that this week specifically people have become obnoxiously toxic in matches, it’s absolutely insane how much mud is being thrown left and right.

I’m honestly at the point where I want to call it quits.


From what ive seen. My oldest accounts (I have several) have a horrible experience. The newer accounts have a better experience, the free to play account is actually not bad.

Some I can rank up Plat/diamond The oldest hard stuck Bronze/silver. The matchmaking handicap is WAY to harsh and I simply cant beat it to rank up the oldest accounts. There is absolutely NOTHING I can do. I play in as high as GM games on my main account but even at that level the handicapping on this account is absolutely brutal and I cant deal with trying to beat it anymore. This is by FAR the worst account I have with the absolute worst matches ive ever played in any FPS game in my life. Hands down. Its also my oldest account that I let my brother and friends play games on (much lower skill lol). Might have something to do with it but who knows


idk man. on an alt account with 100 hours played i am gm4. i only get good teammates. on the main account, where I have played 4000 hours, I fell from master 4 to dia5 within a week. only bot teammates. the funny thing is that on the main account I have a much better score, fewer deaths, etc. per 10 minutes :smiley:

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Thats the same with this account. It seems like VERY old high level accounts are getting shredded by the MM. Something in the MMR? I have no idea but it seems like the older your account the worse time people are having. I played a few low rank games on my main and it wasnt even funny how big the skill gap was, but then I play low rank games on this account and its like im playing diamond matches with actual bots as teammates.

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My matches have been bad for the entire season. I give up on this game.

For some reason Blizz thought aged accounts would automatically carry a bunch of bad teammates, so those accounts get hard mode.

That’s not fair for anyone. The aged account, their teammates, or their opponents.

Fair competitive mode would mean every single account, no matter how old, new, bad or good, would get random games based on RANK.

Blizz thinks it’s better to pick and chose who gets hard or easy games. And that is the exact reason everyone hates the matchmaker and the game is dying.


Unfortunately we’re never going to be told how the matchmaker really works. All we’ll get are patch notes saying they’ve tweaked it and if that breaks the game then they won’t ever admit it. Who knows what’s happened… I can see some people aren’t having an issue but me and my friends experience is the opposite. Most games are stomp or get stomped and I’ve never experienced a 15 loss placement until this season… and I’d probably have 3-4 more of them if I didn’t stop playing RQ as I’m sitting on double digit losses for all them. Also with having multiple days of not winning a single game and therefore no daily challenge

Reading through this thread, our accounts are high level too - plat/diamond borders from OW1. I’m usually a believer that it’s just me and my own bias is making excuses but I don’t know… this season definitely feels off

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Seems to be my experience too, fresh accounts or long inactive accounts have way better matching experience. If you play week in week out matching is rough, from potatoes, to avocados, to the greatest players I’ve ever seen. It’s crazy.